Has anyone done this DIY sprinkler wavemaker

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
can you find these at homedepot, i looked for a short time last time i was there, and didn't see any pop up sprinklers, maybe i just missed them,
here's a page that shows it plumbed
do u think u could mount it the other way completely submerged and attach it to a powerhead in tank rather then a return pump, or would that mess something up with sprinkler
I probably read thru that link too quickly... but sure sounded like there is a TON of metal in those sprinkler heads... NOT a good thang around salt-water!!! I would be worried about what might leach into my tank with all those various metal springs and screws.
Hey Ed I am sure they removed all the metal parts incuding the springs before they installed it into the tank..:)

Yeah they went through step by step removing all the metal springs and screws from it and then plummed it as a closed loop with a mag 7.
i was more worried about it operating completely submerged, though i don't really understand how it works, i just thought about it u don't even plug it in right, so it should be fully submergable
i was more worried about it operating completely submerged, though i don't really understand how it works, i just thought about it u don't even plug it in right, so it should be fully submergable

Correct :)
Yep just a plastic rotating powerhead really, once you have it plummed with a pump. I like it I think I am gonna do it but instead of itsitting at the surface like his i am going to drop it its full length into the water andlet it do a 180 degree sweep of the tank from the back middle of my 90.
There is a screw on top that controls how much rotation the sprinkler does. I went to depot today and found this sprinkler head but in a different package. I also think that I will do mine with flexible clear tubing and nott hard PVC i find that its easier to go behind my tank with it. I do have one question though has anyone used a Mag pump externally and if so how do they perform, I.E. heat issues etc.
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mine is not rotating, i've done the mod, i'll post pic later could it be that i don't have enough pressure, i'm running a maxi 1200 on it
ok so i did the mod, i'll post pics tomorrow, though it doesn't work for me because my pump is not strong enough, it needs probably at least a mag 7 to actually make it spin, my maxi 1200 is not doing this, so if anyone's got an extra pump they'll sell for cheap...
here they are, first here it is as i tried it with the maxi jet, doesn't rotate cause there is not enough pressure though

Here is the filter, i didn't use the pvc parts snailman did, i used a sch 40 male adapter 1/2" it only works with the filter in which is good cause the lunchbucket site says they clog in a couple weeks with out it, however the filter did have a part of plastic sticking out in the inside which i cut out with a wood carving knife and scissors, here it is put together (the adapter and filter)