Grey Legion
Proud member of The MFC
Very cool man...They should work out great!
As for the substrate issue, I agree with "sid" (eventhough he once referred to me as a girl here:lol: ) Crushed corals have a tendancy to trap detritus in the tiny pockets and would need really good vaccuming to prevent any water quality issues. I had nitrate issues I couldn't manage and part of the problem was the crushed corals I used. I just couldn't seem to vaccum it enough. I later switched to fiji pink (a finer grain) and had better success with nitrates never going above 10ppm, but it wasn't until I went bare bottom I went nitrate free, but it is an aquired taste because not very many people like the look.In any event, people keep nitrate free tanks with all sorts of different substrates types, grain etc so you just have to go with what works for you. You may be fine using the crushed corals as some people have success. It's just that they are known to cause some issues
I understand, I guess I just need a starting point, in all my years I have tried many substrates but found bare bottom to be the best with just a handfull or tow of sand.. I may remove some crushed coral as I have about a inch.. or go bare bottom as that would cost nothing to do but a bit of time..
With crushed coral (kitty litter size) how deep should I go with substrate or would a light covering be good enough ??