Have You Ever Tried to Save Something?

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Have You Tried to Save Something from LFS?

  • Fish

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • Coral

    Votes: 25 15.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 51 30.9%
  • I've never tried to save livestock from LFS

    Votes: 56 33.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Have you ever tried to save something from the fish store? This could be a fish, coral, or both. If you have, what was the eventual outcome? If possible, post what was wrong with the livestock, and how you tried to save it.

I tried to save a flowerpot (goniopora) with a lot of tissue recession. Sadly, the result wasn't good. I only ended up with a nice looking skeleton. :(
Yes I felt very guilty

I have a soft hart for the fish My first one Ok Ron aka tang police i saved one from the pound was a Zebrasoma scopas they are not the prettiest Tang but this guy was on his way out sunk in belly and just not very list full I had to partion my 150 tank for about a month for him to get strong enough to handle a powder blue and a Zebrasoma xanthurus the purple tang was not very nice to him for a short time The out come is this guy is in great shape and he is almost 3 years old in my tank and he & mr Zebrasoma xanthurus are now buddies. I also saved a one eyed Scribbled Rabbitfish also known as a Siganus doliatus this guy has only one eye and is currently the Biggest fish in all my tanks and yes I hand feed him :)
I voted I have never saved something, although I have been very tempted :)
haven't tried but I did hear something shocking on discovery channel, our oceans will be depleted of fish in less than 50 years, which means wiped out completely! Not much is being done to replenish it either, so every fish, coral that we let dies just adds to the problem!
Maybe, maybe not. It is also a matter of economics. When we bail out a LFS from buying poor stock, they profit to a degree on the transaction. One more sold, one more ordered and caught. I suspect that in reality, our hobby is insignificant in ratio to the effect of pollution, global warming, silting of the reefs, over fishing, oil spills, etc ad nausium. Being a good steward and conservator while being an outspoken defender of our environment: the importance of the oceans and biodiversity more than makes up for the few caught fish. I have saved many type livestock from fellow hobbyists, but never reward a store for importing damaged goods or poor care-taking. OMHO
yes i did it (petco) and both things :oops: a yellow tang (well the husband got it for valentines :p), it died after a couple of weeks due to ich :( .
Then again i got my long tentacle from them, it was all bleached, after months of good feeding and adecuade light, i'm happy to say that my anemone is still alive and now my ocellaris is hosting it, she's been with me for year and a half or longer :D

ohh yeah i voted coral but it's both, i just forgot about the fish :p
We saved a seahorse that was starving because the fish store didn't know what to feed it. It was near death but we were able to save it with proper feeding.
We saved an almost dead suncoral.. again, proper feeding was the problem and the solution.
We tried to save a mandarin - we're not even sure what was wrong with it but it didn't make it through the first night at home.
Intellectually, I know that buying unhealty animals actually encourage stores to stock animals they can't care for and takes away their incentive to treat their animals better... after all, they still made their profit so they will continue with the same practices and stock more... but sometimes, we just don't seem to be able to abandon the animal in that condition.

I have a soft hart for the fish My first one Ok Ron aka tang police i saved one from the pound was a Zebrasoma scopas they are not the prettiest Tang but this guy was on his way out sunk in belly and just not very list full I had to partion my 150 tank for about a month for him to get strong enough to handle a powder blue and a Zebrasoma xanthurus the purple tang was not very nice to him for a short time The out come is this guy is in great shape and he is almost 3 years old in my tank and he & mr Zebrasoma xanthurus are now buddies.
Nice job!!!!!!!!
i have taken in several tangs!!!... i currently have 3 hippo's in qt and one powder brown tang in qt...the powder brown had velvet, i believe..i treated it with copper and it is about to be released into my display..the hippos have a bit longer to heal up..two of them had ich and some sort of external pod or parasite....i also have tried to save 2 baby hippo's(the size of a dime) and a naso tang.. they all died within a day..they were very bad off, but i thought that i might be able to help them.....i have tried to help, and have helped several fish, and i will continue to do so!!!!!!the way i see it, someone is going to buy them anyway, or they will die at the store...the stores will replace them no matter what..at least with me, i know that i can give them a fighting chance and a good home!!!!!!!
I havent saved anything from the LFS.
I have saved several things from my customers.
Fish with ick, cause they wont listen to the let me quar them for you. I want them right Fing now thing.
They really dont like the leave your tank empty of fish for six weeks thing, Well that and the paying me to take all the rock and corals out so I can catch all the fish, transport them home, acclimate them, quar them, feed them, water change them, bring them back, acclimate them. They usually listen after the first time, one it has taken twice. DONT BUY CRAP AND PUT IT IN YOUR TANK.
Sorry that was after the 4th phone call on the weekend from the same customer with the same problem with the same solution that they didnt like the first time.
I havent saved anything from the LFS.
I have saved several things from my customers.
Fish with ick, cause they wont listen to the let me quar them for you. I want them right Fing now thing.
They really dont like the leave your tank empty of fish for six weeks thing, Well that and the paying me to take all the rock and corals out so I can catch all the fish, transport them home, acclimate them, quar them, feed them, water change them, bring them back, acclimate them. They usually listen after the first time, one it has taken twice. DONT BUY CRAP AND PUT IT IN YOUR TANK.

I was gonna say Steve... "Don't hold back, let us know how you feel." :D

I tried to 'rescue' a Mandarin once. Brought it home, acclimated it dropped it into the 'fuge. Never saw it again. :cry: I really want one of those too. Needless to say that I'm currently Mandarin-less.
I voted both but there are circumstances. I would never try to save any animal that can not be readily kept in marine aquaria otherwise. If the animal is simply in poor health but easy to care for I make a deal with the LFS for a much less than regular price.

If the animal is in poor health and hard or impossible to keep captive, it's better off to let it pass. The more times the animal dies in the LFS care, the more likely they will refuse shipment of that animal in future.
I just recently aquiered a trigger that was swimming in circles and other strange ways. Im not to sure whats wrong with it, it has no external problems and looks very beautiful. Since i took it home (at no cost) it has been feeding not so bad and doses not do the loopy loop anymore. Its a Sargassum Triggerfish and im hoping its new inviroment will help it. I'll see.
I also took home an acro that was RTN'ing. i fraged it and diped it in lugos. That was about a month ago. I lost a few of the frags but the rest are doing well and even turning a nice red color. :)
No. I know the system i got him from and its perfect. this is due to the nature of its capture. He's eating well now and is not swimming in circles anymore. He's not swimming normal just yet but i feel he will recover in time.
Back in my college days I made two rescues, both because the lfs had tippy rock and it kept falling over on their specimens. My first was a seahorse. I took her mate, too. I kept them pretty successfully until a party downstairs poisoned the air with smoke. [I was furious.]
I also rescued a pinned-down piranha. Got him for 50 cents. He grew up in a guppy tank, made the trip back across-country with me, and lived to a pretty good age for a 50 cent fish. He grew to the size of your hand with a beautiful red front with sparkles.
I saved 3 pieces of Monti Cap the LFS didn't have as much light becasue the ballast went out. The monti was slowly turning bleaching out, I just broke the white off and it was great from there on
An update on the trigger, he's normal now! swims perfect and eats like a champ! He dose try to nip me when i go into the tank though. He's getting along with all the other fish and seems quite happy. He loves to eat nori btw.