Have You Ever Tried to Save Something?

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Have You Tried to Save Something from LFS?

  • Fish

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • Coral

    Votes: 25 15.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 51 30.9%
  • I've never tried to save livestock from LFS

    Votes: 56 33.9%

  • Total voters
haven't tried but I did hear something shocking on discovery channel, our oceans will be depleted of fish in less than 50 years, which means wiped out completely! Not much is being done to replenish it either, so every fish, coral that we let dies just adds to the problem!

I just wanted to rebut the "Not much is being done to replenish" comment, i seen on 20/20 (or a similar show) that they are having great success with deep water fish farms. They said that typically near-shore fish farms will destroy the surrounding area with fish waste and what not, but this deep water fish farm has great success because the "dillution" concept. I was impressed and lets hope that it will put "at least" a "dent" in the huge crisis.

I say we start a donation up for RF and buy an island with a surrounding reef and show the world how privatizing reefs can save them, hey its working with the elephants!

I say we start a donation up for RF and buy an island with a surrounding reef and show the world how privatizing reefs can save them

I think that that would be very cool. You would already have my donation:)

not sure if this one is considered rescuing, but we got a huge sailfin and three yellow tangs from Denny's Pet world a few years ago, and we havnt had healthier fish. Never had ich, but i guess with them being there for over three months it died off... :eek: maybe that is why they were healthier, cuz the lfs get them and sell them in a week or so.

i have 'rescued' corals from others who parted out there tanks and didnt know anything in reefing... so sad. NO ONE from here dont worry lol
I saved a blue tang once. It was at Petco. I was there for my dog at the time, and NEVER buy fish there but I was over there taking a look and looked and there was a blue tang the size of my pinky nail (SERIOUSLY) hiding in a astrea snail shell and a lionfish looming over him waiting for him to get out of the shell and be his scooby snack. The girl would not transfer him to another tank to save him, so being only 18$ at the time I bought him and took him home into my hospital tank. He of course came down with everything under the sun and I had to resort to RO dips and even so far as removing parasites from his eyes in a petrie dish and he finally made it. 2 months later I moved him into my main reef tank where he resides today over 3 years later and is the boss of the tank. He is affectionatly called Mr. Bubbles for his love of bubbles. I feel good that I was able to save a life; no matter how small.

so sad. NO ONE from here dont worry lol

for a moment i was starting to sweat :p :lol:.....j/k.

I saved a blue tang once. It was at Petco. I was there for my dog at the time, and NEVER buy fish there but I was over there taking a look and looked and there was a blue tang the size of my pinky nail (SERIOUSLY) hiding in a astrea snail shell and a lionfish looming over him waiting for him to get out of the shell and be his scooby snack. The girl would not transfer him to another tank to save him, so being only 18$ at the time I bought him and took him home into my hospital tank. He of course came down with everything under the sun and I had to resort to RO dips and even so far as removing parasites from his eyes in a petrie dish and he finally made it. 2 months later I moved him into my main reef tank where he resides today over 3 years later and is the boss of the tank. He is affectionatly called Mr. Bubbles for his love of bubbles. I feel good that I was able to save a life; no matter how small.

now that deservs a big .............AAAAHHHH THAT'S TO CUTE!! :):D
:) Thanks you guys,

Ya it was a long battle but I managed to save him. I really couldnot believe the girl would not move him to another tank. He was seconds away from being a scoobie snack. I think it was well worth the battle to save him though. He is VERY healthy and the total boss of the tank now. He loves the clowns so much and loves hanging with them that he almost just hosts in their anemone with them. lol.

I have saved a Red pipe organ coral coral at the lfs and it is doing amazingly well. Because they are interconnected they don't fare well when fragged into small pieces, I read in a book and now it is starting to grow and more polpyps have appeared. I saw the $25 (Promo) frag and only 3 polyps were out of the whole 6"x5" frag! So it was slowly dying. My friend works their and suspected that it wouldn't make it so he gave me three small frags that were laying around. HAve any of y'all heard of Biorock? It is sweet google search it.
i saved two cowfish at bridges pets in lake stevens, and they wouldnt even give me a discount afterwards so i dont like that place anymore.

the little baby cowfish were stuck on a powerhead, one fully alive and one barely twitching. when the worker came by i told him and then he picked the twitching one out of the water and i told him it was still alive so he put it back, the other one was obviously alive but they are probably both damaged for life ...
I've saved multiple corals and fish from a couple buddies that got me into the hobby. One soft coral is a leather whose trunk is now the size of my forearm, anothers include a blue tang, a yellow tail damsel, and a maroon gold stripped clownfish.

I also reacued an ausie dendro from a LFS a year ago. It had 3 polyps, and the biggest one was dying. I got it home, and yes the big polyp died, but the other two lived. The continued to thrive and now I have cluster of about 17 heads. It's my favorite LPS and probably my favorite coral in my tank overall.
First you guys know this threat is like 2 years old? hehe

One time I went to buy some LR from a guy that was moving from Seattle to California. He had a 45 gal Rubbermaid container with 90 pounds of LR, no pumps, no heater, no skimmer attached. He said it had been like that since he had taken down his tank about 3 weeks ago. He had mentioned that he had clownfish in the tank while it was up and I didn't think much of it.

Anyway to make a long story short, I offered him $100 and took the whole tub with me. When I got it home I found one dead female clown and a totally messed up male. His sides were tore up and he had cloudy eyes. I didn't think he would make it.

He had some pretty awesome scars on his sides after he had healed. He passed one night for no obvious reason. Had him for 2 years. I figure that was about 2 years longer than he would have lived if I had bought that rock 2 days later.
cool story....I saved a Ringtail tang that had a 3 prong spear hole in the side of its body....I've had him for two years now and he has completely healed. The best part is this fish is not afraid of my hand I can feed him,pet him,and he follows me in the tank when he sees me walking around...wish i had the holding capacity to save all the injured fish...anyways have a good one...A Hui Hou..Les
Saved a cyphastrea that was receding and has exploded in my tank. Changed color and started growing almost overnight. Recently trying to save an atlantic blue tang that was whithering away. Jury's still out on that one. Seems to be doing okay, has colored back up and is eating, but my Sohal has been picking on him a bit so he hides a lot.
I don't think I've ever saved a fish. I wanted to though. A long time ago there was this beautiful blue faced angel that was huge at a bad LFS and I noticed it was laying on its side and panting like it was going to die. I pointed it out to the owner and the owner took the fish out and put it in the freezer still alive. I almost cried. Had I been offered the chance to try and save that fish, I would have taken it.

My son saved a fish that jumped out of our tank. He noticed it flopping around on the carpet and put it back in the aquarium. It was a sleeper banded goby.


I have a meteor shower frag that lost its color and polyp extension a long time ago and has never gotten it back. It has a little polyp extension and is beige, not blue like it's supposed to be, but not dead. It's currently on a plug in the sand bed of a 40 breeder under T5's. Any advice?
yeah the LFS kill so many fish they really dont care. I worked at a fish store for awhile in 02 or so and the first thing we would do every morning is walk around all the tanks pulling out all the dead fish. Always reminded me of that movie Monty Pythons holy grail or whatever, " Bring out yer dead ".

I have saved a few corals and fish from the LFS, i recently got a medium sized green star polyp rock that was litterally melting away in their tanks. I brought it home and cut the necrotic flesh away and cleaned it up a bit. Its already grown over the part i cut off and all the polyps have come back to full in a month or so.
tried to save a blue tang....brought ich into my system, and i tried to move all the fish into a QT that wasn't ready, lost all my fish but a yellow damsel and a clownfish. And since then ive added a Green Mandarin.
I saw a beautiful Mandarin in a small tank at petco, and even though he didn't look too bad, I knew it wouldn't make it long so I bought it.
Saved a Large Yellow Eye Kole Tang (Success) and an Orange Shoulder Tang (No Success). They looked bad but I figured it was worth a shot. Fresh Water Dip for 10m to 15m then a bath in Melafix, sometimes Cupramin in between.