Having a hard time keeping my PH above 8.0

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So we are going to need a little more information on your system. What lights do you have, sump or not to sump. Do you have macro algae in your system. This is the kind of information that we need so that we can help you out. Do you buffer your system.
I would post this in the Chemistry forum, but this time of year, low Ph is a typical problem, with heating and keeping the house closed up. In fact, a similar thread was just posted in the Chemistry forum the other day. How low is the ph falling to? 7.8 or 7.9 is just fine.

Ooops, the similar thread was on a different forum that Boomer is also the chemistry Guru on.
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So we are going to need a little more information on your system. What lights do you have, sump or not to sump. Do you have macro algae in your system. This is the kind of information that we need so that we can help you out. Do you buffer your system.

I have a Auqapod 24 gal with a sundpod lighting system with a 20K Halide. I'm waiting for my protien skimmer to arrive and then I will have on of those too.
Hmm, not sure why the link didn't resolve for you but I forwarded the link to your email.