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the chiller is a 1/3 hp and your completely right about having it in the apartment. I am pricing out airconditioners right now. I have had the back door open all day with a fan on the exhaust from the chiller it still has not shut off all day tank is stable at 80 deg. but its only 55 deg outside today.
for less than $25 you should be able to remote mount it on your patio....

AC is nice, but you will be spending mega $$$ running it, to cool your chiller, to cool your tank. PLUS the cost of the AC unit.
in my neighborhood I cant leave a window open when I am not home.
so here the point.. last night some stupid freaking person broke into my truck. took the stereo and remote I have the face plate, the regestration, insurance papers, tools, and some invoices I had in there. hmmmm had to vent and I cant say what I feel like saying about my neighborhood on RF. I will be nice and I hate This stupid complex.
How long are you running your lights? Maybe you should have them to turn off for a couple of hours in the daytime or maybe switch the time for them to come on at night instead. You could possibly be running them to long. I have a 240 gallon tank and I do not even use a chiller and it stays around 78-79 degrees. I have my lights on all day but for 2 hours around noon they turn back off for that period of time. What about your pumps are they external or in the water? All my pumps are external and that helps alot. If the pumps are in the water they get hot and heat the water up like a heater would do.
Dood, move out & then set-up that tank:D
Ok ok! Did you slow the gph through it. I'm sure they would add that to the list of things needed. It may be a better option to just go with a few fans, reduce your pumps, those put in a good bit of heat. I dropped 5 degrees by putting a fan on the main pump alone. One more thing, your tank would probably be a few degrees hotter than the room regardless so keep that in mind. One other thought, get H.O. T5's & get rid of the rest of your lights:D
I noticed after I just posted the last thread that you have external pumps so scratch that idea. I also notice your lighting system do you have fans on it or some way to let the heat rise away from your tank. What if you had a couple of holes in your cannopy to let off heat.
the top of the canopy is completely open. I thought of everything first except fans blowing the halide heat away and the chiller exhaust being so warm.
You could take a fan & dryer flex duct & a hole in the wall & pump that hot air into the wall:D Don't know what codes that may break or a hole you would need to patch up if you left the apartment but was a thought!
sounds like a great idea and with all their scams for keeping you deposit i wont have nothing to lose anyway.. I am going to buy 2 20 inch box fans to throw on top of the canopy to blow air straight down.
I would not put them blowing straight down unless you have lids over your aquarium to keep the dust out or you are just going to blow every bit of the debri in your home right into the tank causing it to get the water filthy dirty. I would atleast put it blowing along the top from the side and one 20 in fan should be plenty.