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Jan 28, 2007
Im new to reefs and these forums. Ive been trying to raise my ph and its just seems to stay the same. I have ph buffer and a test kit but my what when tested stays the same. Anything?
I didn't realise that Instant Ocean made test kits until your post and I looked it up! Good to know! I know their salt is great, but not sure how reliable the test kits are. I see many times people get stressed out over certain issues they think they have with their tanks because of false readings do to un-reliable test kits (not saying that is your case). Any way though to have it tested with another kit or maybe by the LFS to see if the ph is actually 7.8? In addition to that, what salt mix are you using and do you have any more water parameters you can post? These questions will all probably eventually come up in order for us to know how best to help you get things sorted out...:)
HA! 0-2 for me! Never knew coralife made salt either:oops: :p I guess someone more familiar with the salt as well as the test kit will have to chime in to say whether either one could possibly be the issue here or something else. Have you ever tested your make up water before adding it to the tank though? If you have, and you are still reading 7.8 before adding it to the tank, then I'm thinking either the salt is not being mixed and allowed to aerate properly to allow the ph to adjust, the salt you are using is bad, the test kit is off, or could be the water you are using. Is it ro/di water you are using? Sorry for so many questions:D
actually I was told I could use tap water by a local marine shop

That's a big no no in the hobby as you can be introducing silicates, nitrates, phosphates etc etc into your tank for starters than can fuel nuicance algae to grow and also, high levels of nitrates are harmful to marine life with corals being most sensitive. RO/DI water should always be used. You can have endless problems by using regular tap water unless it is tested and said to be totally perfect for use in the aquarium which is not always the case. Infact, I've never seen it to be the case thus far being into the hobby...Always ro/di.
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You can buy ro/di water from many places. That's what I do here in the Bahamas. I buy 5 gal bottles of ro/di water sold by one of our water plants and it runs me about $4 for 5 gallons if I get it at one of the "depots". If I get it directly from the plant, I can get it for $2.50:)
If your using bottled water you want to use distilled water. Anything else will have a mineral content usually and you dont want that. Some distilled water is made in distilleries with copper piping which could contaminate it, however I have not read of this actually happening to anyone recently and would consider it to be a very low probability. If you really want to be certain you can use a copper test kit on it.

Most people avoid bottled water in general because its expensive. Unless you have a really small tank its just not cost effective to use it. Might as well spend 100-200 bucks on a RO/DI and have unlimited water. It will pay for itself quickly.
Hi and welcome!

Well I hate to step in and ask.. I think we need to know a little about what you have. There are so many things that affect PH its funny.
I too had a low PH problem in one of my old 55G setups after the lights go out. Trust me I did a lot of "googleing" on the issue.
Beleive it or not what helped me was adding more air to the water. I had poor circulation in the 55. As a test I added an air pump and a 12" air stone to see the results.
It raised it from 7.7 to 8
I never could get much over 8.
But without knowing your tank a person cant assume a fix for your issue.
As good ol Krish says-
test your water before you add it.
Dont use your tap water ( I can show you pictures of why not to) ;)

**OH and test your PH BEFORE the lights come on and AFTER they go out. You may be suprised.**

The guy down at the local marine shop told me to add 19 cups of salt and that it b/f cycling' This is where it has left me. Now he is telling me to add buffer. Im not seeing many results as of yet.
I would have to say your not getting the right advise

cruise these threads and read all your brain can handle, then read some more :D
get that salinity up to 35, let it airate well and see where you're at then.
welcome to RF dood !!! :).
i agree with Meche, you should slowly get your salinity up to 35.
About the test kits and salt i'm the same as Krish, i didn't know they sell test kits :p.