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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
Hey all,

Just at a point in my life where I can get back in the hobby and am doing it slowly. Put a 125g in a wall (which inflated the cost about 800$ =( )with a closet access to it from a seperate room, using 6 4ft T5's for light (1ft unlit on either side, will expand at a later date with 6 2ft to completely light it.), going refugium for filtration with a coralife 65 protein skimmer for some extra umph. Refugium is a partitioned 30g tank with Chaeto seeded into it. Going to end up slowly adding rock (unless someone posts 100lbs or so in classifieds near Puyallup) and livestock. Right now have 2 tank raised false percs and 3 fire gobies to start with 100 lbs of live sand in the main tank, 20 in the refugium and only 20-30lbs live rock.

Considering ordering a cleaner crew from liveaquaria this week, just worried there's nothing really for them to clean yet as its a pretty small bioload in a big open tank.

Umm I think thats about it for the "hello" post. Looking forward to expanding the tank and really making it a centerpiece for my families new home and something that I can use to help my 2 year old understand how amazing the planet really is. Climbing off the soapbox now!

Welcome Cruz,
This is a great site, with tons of experienced.
Good to have you here.
We are also picture freaks!! Post up some pics when you can.
Thanks all, I will definetly be waiting on posting pics until its something that doesnt embarass the crap out of me, 20-30 lbs of rock and 5 small fish in a 125 definetly does that ;)

I'm kinda gathering MH has gone out of style, is there any point source of lighting replacement that gives the ripple effect? Was always a favorite that I thought really helped make the tank look great. Any ideas on how to simulate this effect even if its not a main source of the light?
No reason to be embarassed, we have all been there and its great to see some one getting started.

Just so you don't feel shy here is what I started with in my 125

15 pounds of rock and a electric blue damsel. I was so proud I put up dozens of pics of different angles :D I didn't even wait for the sand to settle.
Lol fair enough pics coming tonight when I get home. I am really not digging the effect that having 4ft lights on a 6ft tank is having, I have 2 55 watt PC ballasts from back in the day I found and am half considering moving the 6 T5s to one side rather than in the middle and using the two PCs on the other 2 ft with the ability to just up an extra lamp to finish it off (for now).
Ok, Im guessing this picture things not as simple as attach, reply since my camera doesn't take pics that small. Will be uploading as soon as I can actually get these on a website I guess.
Ok, Im guessing this picture things not as simple as attach, reply since my camera doesn't take pics that small. Will be uploading as soon as I can actually get these on a website I guess.

Easiest way is to use photobucket. Create an account and upload you pictures to there. Just copy the
I'm kinda gathering MH has gone out of style, is there any point source of lighting replacement that gives the ripple effect? Was always a favorite that I thought really helped make the tank look great. Any ideas on how to simulate this effect even if its not a main source of the light?

Welcome cruzanm.

MH lighting has not gone out of style and is used by many reefers. It is still a very good option to light a reef.
However there are other options you can look into.





The pics are a little to big for the website but here are the links. Thanks for not bashing too much.

Saturday will be a big expansion day. A guy in Seattle is moving out of state and waited till yesterday to list his 60 gallon reef for 150$ Should definetly help with fleshing out the tank.
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Picked up a 60 gallon reef off craigslist for 150, came with the additions to the tank



had to move the LTA this morning so he wasn't too happy when I took the pic but hes settling in nicely and the corals I got are all quite happy. I was really nervous about the 2 clown pairs but they are all getting along with only minimal trash talk between them. They actually swim together now.

Back to working around the house. So loving the tank right now.
More updating, this is becoming a blog rather than a post.

So checked the temperature of the tank last night, it was all the way up to 82! =( Killed the lights, checked the heater and it was set to 75. Checked the temp this morning and it was at 79. The anemone has been back and forth between looking amazing and terrible. Here are two pics of him in his current spot.



He has actually looked better than the second picture, after looking as bad as the first. Trying to lower the temperature gradualy. Corals and fish seem fine but I'd rather not push my luck, having a fan installed in the closet today and will look at replacing the heater if that does not lower the temp.

Hoping this guy survives, I hate to lose stuff and this thing has been back and forth for days now.
Last Update for a bit. Promise

Well everything is looking amazing except the LTA. I am reducing the photoperiod (2pm-10pm) to see the effect on the temperature of the fish tank and making sure the room gets some better ventilation.

Has anyone used tinfoil as a makeshift reflector before? I am thinking it might be channeling too much heat?






Simple but till I get all the bugs worked out, more than happy to keep it that way.
I dont think temp is your issue with the anemone, (M.Doreensis).
I suspect its trying to get to a spot where the conditions are ideal for it, (Flow and light).
M.doreensis anemones dont like alot of heavy flow. They are also a sand bed anemone.
See if you can get it to a slightly sheltered spot flow wise, and it will be able to stretch/pan for more light if it wants/needs it.
The shriveled up look is normal when its trying to move around like it is....

Hope that helps,

I dunno, he has been turned inside out for a full day now. I have kept a M.Doreensis before and had great success with them in the past but this is a different set up. The flow he is getting is mostly indirect above his tentacles. I'll move him one last time to a place with lower flow to try and save him but I think he may be a goner already =(.

I need to do research on heat mitigation regardless, I don't like not having full control of my tanks heat even if it is not where it's causing harm now, it may in the future.