
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Mike B.

Sep 19, 2013

It's great to be here! I'm looking forward to learning a bunch about reef tanks and how to keep them going.

I have a rookie question: where is the best forum to discuss our experiences with various mail order dealers? Already I have noticed a few "trends" when it comes to certain merchants. Where is the proper forum here for us to discuss such things?

Thanks very much!

Hey Mike, welcome to Reef Frontiers.
We look forward hearing more about your system and helping with any questions you may have.
We do not have a forum to "discuss our experiences with various mail order dealers"

We have some great sponsors here and they have their own forums. You are welcome to talk to them and ask questions in their forums. Otherwise we try to refrain from discussions on that topic.

We do however love pictures and if you received a gorgeous coral or new piece of equipment, you are welcome to share that with us.

Again welcome to Reef Frontiers
Hope you enjoy it here. There are a lot of great members and great information forums/threads here.
Thanks for your warm welcome!

I thought I'd ask about folks that sell fish/corals/inverts etc. because I have already had some noteworthy experiences. I've received some wonderful stuff from one dealer, and then received items that arrived in fouled, fetid water from another dealer (and the order was shipped express, too). So I wanted to check and see if it's OK to discuss such things in this forum. I don't want to get into trouble! LOL

I don't think any of your sponsors were involved at all. I will double check.

I know that such discussions would go a long way to help newcomers avoid certain merchants, and such exchanges might go a long way to help folks avoid unpleasant experiences (experiences that might cause them to grow frustrated with the hobby).

Feel free to be direct with me: I know you wrote that we "try to refrain from discussions on that topic." If that topic is absolutely forbidden, I'd like to know.

Thanks a bunch!

Yeah, it is forbidden. We do appreciate your focus on helping the new hobbyist. What we can do is help them understand how to research the animals they are wanting to buy and research the business they are looking to buy from. There are many places online to find reviews on and about business'. I believe we here at Reef Frontiers are more focused on educating the hobbyist on the animals and equipment. Then the individuals can make a more informed decision on what they are buying. Yeah, I have had a couple unfavorable experiences with online purchases, but then I learned. Its also better to let the merchant know your concerns and hopefully they will learn too to correct the issues.

First, I'd like to mention that I am a new reef hobbyist--two months.

What if a poster gave details without mentioning the name of the dealer, but only mentioned the dealer's name in a PM to interested parties?

I would think that complete education would involve not only the animals but the dealers as well. I'm a bit puzzled (not hard to do!).

Can I send you a PM with more detailed information so that you might be able to offer some experienced insights?

By the way, none of your sponsors were involved in the two disappointing transactions.

Many thanks!


PS I did indeed contact the merchant. They told me to use "upgraded" FedEx on future orders so that my orders arrived before 10:30AM. I then informed the merchant that the "regular" Fed Ex service had the two orders at my home well before 10:30AM! I have not heard back from the merchant since that email.
Sounds like you really want to make these merchants known. Telling everyone just how awful their services and product are.
I suggest you try another Forum that allows Vendor Feedback. There are many! Just do a google search under saltwater reefing. Good luck and sorry for your negative experience. Not all vendors are created equal :(

Sent from my iPhone 4s via Tapatalk.
I think a discussion on shipping live goods is a great topic. But we don't need to bash any specific vendors. If you have some helpful information that might be useful that's great.

I can think of two locals that I've had products shipped to my house both within miles of each other that used Fedex. One arrives first thing the next morning via ground freight and the other two days later using the same shipping method. One thing is you can't blame the shipper in all cases sometime the shipping company delays a shipment. This is where it's your responsibility as a buyer to choose the right shipping method even if its much more expensive.

Thank you for your responses. Would any of you be willing to offer me suggestions if I send you a private message regarding my experiences?

Please let me know.

Many thanks!

I tired to quote one of the messages above in this reply but it wouldn't work. Ugh!

@NanaReefer: would you be kind enough to send me a private message in which you include the names of 1 or 2 reef forums that permit such discussions? I'd truly appreciate it.

Many thanks!


FedEx overnight is supposed to mean FedEx overnight--and it did in both cases I've alluded to! The shipper was not at fault, as the shipments were sent out the previous evening and I received them the next morning(s). It seems the merchant sent me less-than-standard specimens in rather fetid water! I can't blame FedEx for these problems (and believe me, I would if I could).


sounds like to me you just need to drop it. and forget about it. move on guy. quit dwelling on the bad and starting looking at the light at the other end of the tunnel. i have been in this hobby for 15 years. yes bad things are going to happen,its all about how you deal with it. just suck it up and deal with it.
Wow. Thanks for your comments. Most helpful to a new "reefer" indeed. I have asked folks to pm me with information. I'm sorry if that caused problems for any of you.

It seems to me that true education when it comes to this hobby must involve all aspects of the hobby. Of course the animals, chemistry, and planning of our aquascapes are of primary importance. But as most of us don't dive for our own specimens, we have to purchase them from folks who might live many miles from our homes. Consequently, a fuller knowledge of the hobby should involve knowledge of various vendors and the experiences folks have had with them. I can think of no better way to help fully educate a novice reef keeper such as myself than to cover all of these topics.

I still hope that some of you more experienced hobbyists might be willing to share some advice regarding vendors or other sites dealing with our hobby with me via private messages. In the true spirit of sharing knowledge, will any of you be willing to do this?

If I have caused any problems here, I apologize. It's ok with me if any of the staff members here would prefer to delete my membership. I thought this would be a great place to learn about all aspects of our hobby.

Best wishes,

Welcome to RF! :) We had discussed among the staff members here if we should have a feedback section where members could tell about their experiences. We decided a while back that it was not something we wanted to get involved with. This kind of piggy backs on our off topic section...You can post whatever you want in there once it is not a controversial thread like dealing with politics, religion etc. Why? Well we try to keep a positive atmosphere here and therefore prohibit bashing. When members have issues, it is suggested to deal with it in private and what we mean by private we mean leaving all form of discussion in private and not allowing what is discussed through your private messaging spilling out into the open forum. There are pros and cons to discussing past experiences, but the cons just out weigh the pros so therefore we don't condone it. Anyways, hope you enjoy the forum. Many reputable sponsors here that I'm sure will make for a great experience if ordering from them so I'd take advantage of their services. :)

Edit: To add to what I posted, I met a really good life long friend through one of our sponsors Premium Aquatics. Great customer service and I became so friendly with the guy that he has visited here twice and we hung out and had dinner etc. if you have any specific questions, shoot me a pm and I'll be glad to help you with whatever issues you are having.
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I appreciate it, Krish. I appreciate your willingness to discuss things with me. To clarify: no dealer discussions even in the Off Topic forum?

I will PM you in a short while.

Many, MANY thanks!


PS I found it odd that one member merely told me "to get over" it regarding my unfortunate experiences with a certain vendor. I guess it's easy to post such things from the safety of sitting behind a computer keyboard, but I'm not sure that's the best way to encourage a novice like me to stick with the hobby or the group. Oh well....Such is life at times! LOL
Wow. Thanks for your comments. Most helpful to a new "reefer" indeed. I have asked folks to pm me with information. I'm sorry if that caused problems for any of you.

It seems to me that true education when it comes to this hobby must involve all aspects of the hobby. Of course the animals, chemistry, and planning of our aquascapes are of primary importance. But as most of us don't dive for our own specimens, we have to purchase them from folks who might live many miles from our homes. Consequently, a fuller knowledge of the hobby should involve knowledge of various vendors and the experiences folks have had with them. I can think of no better way to help fully educate a novice reef keeper such as myself than to cover all of these topics.

I still hope that some of you more experienced hobbyists might be willing to share some advice regarding vendors or other sites dealing with our hobby with me via private messages. In the true spirit of sharing knowledge, will any of you be willing to do this?

If I have caused any problems here, I apologize. It's ok with me if any of the staff members here would prefer to delete my membership. I thought this would be a great place to learn about all aspects of our hobby.

Best wishes,


Mike learning curves can be rough.

A couple of mods have explained the policy here, which you agreed to when you signed up.
A couple of experinced reefers have backed that up. I also agree.
If you are looking for good vendors, then I suggest looking in the vendors forum and see what we have written about them.
Buy from them and post your own thoughts.

I just want one mods to clarify one point about the off topic forum, that's all. I hope to hear back soon.

Of course learning can be rough. Hence my desire to learn from experienced folks regarding ALL aspects of our hobby.

Thanks for the response!

I appreciate it, Krish. I appreciate your willingness to discuss things with me. To clarify: no dealer discussions even in the Off Topic forum? I will PM you in a short while. Many, MANY thanks! Mike PS I found it odd that one member merely told me "to get over" it regarding my unfortunate experiences with a certain vendor. I guess it's easy to post such things from the safety of sitting behind a computer keyboard, but I'm not sure that's the best way to encourage a novice like me to stick with the hobby or the group. Oh well....Such is life at times! LOL

Yea, no dealer feedback allowed even in the off topic section (water fountain). As for the member that said to "get over it" I'm sure it wasn't meant in a bad way. Every member here that has been in the hobby for some time has had a bad experience. I've had bad experiences in the past with certain vendors and what did I do? I lived and learned and took my business elsewhere. There will also be times where you have a bad experience with maintaining your own tank. I got so upset when first starting out that I took down my tank and went back to freshwater aquariums. I was just too frustrated. However, I came back a year later determined not to be defeated and had success. You will have the occasional heater breaking, fish dying, tank leaking, pump failing, flooded house etc throughout your journey in this hobby. No matter how much you try to be cautious and careful, things will still happen. The attitude you take towards these things will be the thing that matters most...Do you get fed up and get out of the hobby or do you count it as a lesson learned and move on? This is what most do with bad experiences with vendors. Deal with them privately and if you still aren't satisfied, move on and shop somewhere else. Dwelling on it will only make you more frustrated. :)
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Thank you, Krish, for your measured, kind words. I truly appreciate them.

I think it best if you go ahead and cancel my membership.

Sorry to have treaded on touchy ground, folks. Best of luck to you all!

All the best,

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hey mike b. im not trying to get to you. i quess when i read what you where writing it just sounded like you were complaining. crying about it. i would say give up or anything like that. in the past i have had very bad experirnes with lots of orders from ordering online. i do have to say Krish explains it very well. hope no hard feeling. sometime i write things before i read and understand what i just wrote.
Thank you, Krish, for your measured, kind words. I truly appreciate them. I think it best if you go ahead and cancel my membership. Sorry to have treaded on touchy ground, folks. Best of luck to you all! All the best, Mike

No need to leave the forum. You did nothing wrong. RF is a very friendly community and we try our best to make everyone feel comfortable which is why we avoid controversial topics or allow vendor feedback. They can easily spiral out of control. We don't even allow members to bash other forums. If we see it, we delete it. I remember a few years ago someone started a thread showing pics of their hunting trip and even though it was legal what they did (hunting deer), some members were upset and felt bad for the deer and so we removed the thread. We just try our best to keep things on a positive level and try and our best to find that happy medium for all as much as possible which is why you would never hear someone say, "Go use the search feature as this has been asked 1000 times before". As many times as the same question is asked, it is answered again and again. Just the way our community works. :)