help doods/doottes

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
well today i woke up and saw that my six line is hidding.
in the past week he's been looking a little skinny (pinched belly) but eating good, today is the first time i see him not eating and swimming, is there anything i could do to make him chubby? or back to normal?
i feed my fishes twice per day frozen formula 1(red kind).
any ideas doods/doodettes:oops:
Bummer Gabbs...Would parasites or worms cause the fish to eat, but not fatten up? I'd see what Steve says (SteveS) if you don't get all the feedback you are looking for. I think Charlie may be on to something as well:)
I know in dogs that if they have worms and are eating and not gaining weight you have to worm them but it sounds like this is what your 6 line is going through. I don't know how that relates to fish but it sounds similar. If the fish isn't coming out to eat then I don't know what to suggest to make the fish want to eat. I hope it does better for you.. Don't know if any of the medicated foods would help...
My sixline LOVES frozen mysis, and is quite the aggressor when it comes to Spectrum pellets, as well. Perhaps he's having trouble with the gelatin coating on the Formula cubes?
I agree that he might not like the gelatin based food. I've tried it and my fish don't like it as well as the mysis and other foods I feed. You might try some live brine shrimp. It's hard to resist live food. I'm not sure about using medicated foods as if any falls onto your corals, not sure what the outcome would be, (just a thought). I hope all goes well.
There goes the Doc, always following me around, agreeing with me. :D

If you can get a hold of them (any LFS should carry them), I'd recommend mysis over brine, even live. There's not a whole lot of nutritional value in brine. They're often referred to as the "popcorn" of the reef diet. A great filler only. :)
Thanks doods for the replies :) .
Ok here is the funny thing about this fish :p, he loves the frozen formula.... he's always stealing food from the clown or my damsel, everytime i feed my brain i give some mysis shrimp to the fishes too and he will get a bite or two but he has never been interested in the shrimp ... he's also ok with cyclopeeze but again... he's not a huge fan of that either, i mean he'll eat it but he has never gone crazy like my clown about that food.
Even though he was looking skinny, the fish was eating fine until yesterday when i saw him hiding in one of my rocks :( ( he's usually the first one in front of the fishes trying to get a bite) .

I have never used garlic, do you guys think that would help him?

What's a doottes?

sorry dood, i miss spelled doodettes :p
well doods my lights just came on and freaking crab is having a huge six line lunch :cry: ............i'm so pissed off right now and sad at the same time
Sorry to hear that Gaby. I would venture it wasn't your crab that actually killed off your fish, just an oppertunistic lunch for him. Sorry things didn't turn out much better than this for you though. :(
I'm really sorry gabby. I know how it feels to lose a fish you really liked. I'm really sorry to hear that.
sorry, to hear that.....

its hard to say, if the crab killed the six line, or just accepted him as good food while the fish was sleeping at night....

you cant hate the crab for finding a good sick (fat) meal for itself..

you have a good eye, for noticeing that something was wrong,
I'll spill a little of my 40oz on the curb for your sixline. They are my favorite small fish. A least they are rather inexspensive.
thank you doods, yeah i'm not blaming the crab at all ...he probably was worse than what it looked, but definetly was sad because i kept this fish for about 2 years, he was a good fish :(, i also think that he was probably stressed since we moved but who knows.

Was that Brad's old sixline?

no dood, i bought him from saltwater city, he always looked chunky, healthy and he would crack me up everytime he used to chase my damsel :lol:.
ohh well ... i guess i'm gonna give sometime to the fish tank and later add something else in there but who knows what.
I was just looking for this thread to check on the fish today.. I am sorry and hate reading about what happened. The fish dying I mean, I'm sure the crab was just opportunistic.

I'm sorry....