Help! I think I killed it..

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Sep 19, 2006
So, I have one of the world's most truly beautiful RBTA, vibrant rose, brite flo green face, gorgeous. Fool that I am, I performed the stupidest act of any anemone owner. Yes, that's right, I forgot to put the sponge back on my powerhead....stupid stupid stupid. :mad: Any how, poor rosey got her hair caught, and by the time I managed to save her, she was totaly butchered... :(. The thing is, her body is still intact, mostly. So I have an anemone with absolutely no tentacles, and a very sad messed up face. I think. Can't really see it....But she still foots to the rocks, and moves around. I have been trying to hand feed her small food, but can't tell if shes eating it.

Has anyone had this happen to them, or does anyone know if poor rosey has any chance of coming back? *sob*
it will probaly heal. i had one get its foot ripped off and the foot grew an anenome and the anenome grew a new foot
I had an 8" RBTA and.. well... it found its way into my Reeflo Dart closed loop pump.
Talk about pieces every where.
Well after a few weeks I noticed a piece still rolling around on the bottom and it had some color to it so I left it. (mind you this piece is only about 1/2" round)
Well now it has grown a new foot and starting to get its tentacles back. Now it's about 3/4" around.
So yes I truly think if your water quality is up to par it will have no problem making it.

Oh and yes all my intake is screened but I guess it can get through the holes ??
Agree it will prob heal. I have seen them chopped in half before and they heal right up. Just pay extra attention to your water quality.
I have had a BTA loose half its tenticle with a sponge on the powerhead. They were sucked up right through the sponge. I don't use powerheads anymore.

I do think you have an excellent chance of it recovering. As stated previously keep the water parameters up to par to give it the best chance. Got any pics of it?
I wish I had pic...but I'm so computer stupid......I hope you all are right, it sounds like maybe she'll make it. She is just pretty much a base with no tentacles at's so sad....maybe try to get someone to get a pic up for me in the next day or so.....
Thank heaven none of the rest of us have ever screwed up:D
Injured ones do much better than poisoned ones. If just a haircut and your water and lighting is fine, it should recover.

Be sure that you do a water change, the shredded tentacle pieces are quite deadly to other corals. Almost lost my prized sinularia due to an RBTA tissue spraying.