HELP! Me set up a 125 SPS tank..please!

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MikeS said:
did a quick search...the EuroReef CS8-3 is 30" much clearance above the skimmer do you need for maintenance, like removing the cup, ect.... this the skimmer you plan on using? Do I need to re dimension the stand to accommodate this skimmer?

Nice skimmer....and only $600.... :eek: :lol:

Mike's only $$$ :razz: I was thinking that was the one that I would like to go with. Everyone that has one seems to be really happy with it.
Or I could go with the 8-2 which is only like 24 tall..that way you don't have to redesign anything and this one should also more than handle my tank.

BTW...where are you going Mike? You should of told me you were comming to house is a mess :lol:
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WaterDogs said:
Hi specsgirl, what brands of MH and T5/PC/VHO bulbs are you going with?

Dwaine :)

Ummm....Right now I have the XM 10k over my other tank and really like the bulb, but if I go to something like a 14k or a 20k I'm unsure. As far as the PC/VHO/T5 bulbs...I'm clueless...what are your opinions?
I would post in reef central's sps forum if you want a lot of feedback
No need to post thier all the great tanks are here, lol. Or designed here.

Wow Specs you got alot of info churning out here. Let me throw a couple of things into the pot for ya.
First keep an eye on Mike he gets lasy, lol
Lighting wise you can go 3 x 250 watt no problem and get all the light you want. With three lights I would go all one color bulb. I am not a big fan of the DE as they need pendants and thier built in reflectors give a narrow beam.
If this tank is glass then you are a bit restricted. You can still go closed loop but it will get expenive and might not finish well for looks. That leeds you to a couple of other options. One is the OM, I would suggest going to thier site and looking at some of the hook ups they have and see if its something you want in your tank. The other option as Brad says is the tunze, although I am not a big fan of the PH in the tank look, they are a good unit and with a couple you could set up wave movement or pulsating flow. I would sugest three of the smaller units so you can have more coverage for flow.
The skimmer you have chosen is a good one so no problems thier.

So pick a flow method and we can progress from thier.
Closed loop
or OM
By the way where is the over flow in this tank??

Thanks mojo...make me pick how I want my tank set if I don't like it, who am I going to blame?? I really like the om device and have been on their site and viewed every single tank they have on their board, which only confuses me Maybe with my tank being glass that is the best way for me to go...what do you think? Will going with a 4 way device give me enough flow for an sps tank?
I have two corner overflows in the tank that are drilled through the bottom from the factory.
I really thank everyone for their opinions and ideas so's really nice to be able to go to a board and ask for help without getting "beat" up like on some of the other boards! Way to go everyone from RF!
specsgirl - check out this thread: Project 58. Maxx is using an OM on his tank. Maybe you can get some ideas from him.
make me pick how I want my tank set if I don't like it, who am I going to blame??...
A mans got to do what a man has to do rofl
Ok OM it is. So now we have two options again.
1. Use the pop down heads that OM has. Pros is that you get a little more osculating. Cons they kinda look weird popping into the tank, that and I would imagine they get clogged so a maintence item.
2. We use the OM and create a manifold and then come into the tank at different levels and points. I kinda prefer this one.

Don't worry about flow with the proper pump we can get it no problemo.
Are the overflow acrylic and what are the holes sizes??
the overflows are a black plastic. The holes are made for a 1" bulkhead and a 3/4" bulkhead in each corner. I just looked at the AGA site and the holes are 1.5" and 1.75" per overflow.
Hmmm ok le me think on it and I will try to come up with a decent plan for ya

NaH2O said:
specsgirl - check out this thread: Project 58. Maxx is using an OM on his tank. Maybe you can get some ideas from him.
I read it all the way through..good link!

Thanks MOJO....for everything...I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
specsgirl said:'s only $$$ :razz:

I wish I had that particular problem.... :lol:

specsgirl said:
I was thinking that was the one that I would like to go with. Everyone that has one seems to be really happy with it.
Or I could go with the 8-2 which is only like 24 tall..that way you don't have to redesign anything and this one should also more than handle my tank.

either/'s nothing to change the height of the stand in the design...I just don't like getting the center of gravity too high on something like this...still trying to get the plans done....I hit a snag....kind of an oversight on my way as currently designed to slide a 55 gal. tank inside it...but I'll fix that... :oops:

specsgirl said:
BTW...where are you going Mike? You should of told me you were comming to house is a mess :lol:

Took the little guy to was a blast...but came home to a messed up tank...heater took a digger in my absence... :(

BTW I don't mind messy houses....mines currently a disaster... :D

I just don't like getting the center of gravity too high on something like this

Mike - we attached the stand to the studs in the order to avoid any problem. The set-up sits about 10 inches away from the wall. If you are interested in seeing how we did this, I can post up a pic.
Specs girl one more question. is the acrylic overflows glued in the coners or silconed???

Great idea Nikki....but I believe that she lives in a 3rd floor apartment....the landlord is probably not going to be happy about having over 2000lbs of tank up there, let alone 2000lbs of tank nailed to the wall.... :D

What?? A snag in the design No way! I'll go with the 8-2 for ya...that way you don't have to change the height. I'll at least make that one easy for

Disneyland and I wasn't invited?? Now I'm going to cry! But glad to hear you had a blast with the rugrat!

My house isn't that messy...but with 2 small kids...things tend to get "disorganized" rather overflows are siliconed in...and one is currently laying in the bottom A snail decided to commit suicide and enter it, so they had to tear it apart to get him out.

As far as my tank being nailed to the wall....who cares what the landlord thinks...that's what security deposits are for j/k
specsgirl said:
What?? A snag in the design No way! I'll go with the 8-2 for ya...that way you don't have to change the height. I'll at least make that one easy for

Like I said, the height is easy to change....your choice....actually, all the supports are the same length, so if you decide you want to make the stand a bit taller or a bit shorter, it's no problem, all you have to do is make the supports your desired height...

specsgirl said:
Disneyland and I wasn't invited?? Now I'm going to cry! But glad to hear you had a blast with the rugrat!

:lol: I was lucky that I myself even got invited.... :lol:

specsgirl said:
My house isn't that messy...but with 2 small kids...things tend to get "disorganized" rather

I hear ya there.... :D

specsgirl said:
As far as my tank being nailed to the wall....who cares what the landlord thinks...that's what security deposits are for j/k

Well, in that case, you can shore it up to the wall if you choose....that way when it goes crashing through your floor, it will take part of the wall with it...might as well get your money's worth out of that damage deposit, right? ;) :lol:

Kidding...actually, the stand has a fairly large footprint (86"x26"x8") so the weight is distributed over a large should be fine as long as it is on a good level surface....


Well, in that case, you can shore it up to the wall if you choose....that way when it goes crashing through your floor, it will take part of the wall with it...might as well get your money's worth out of that damage deposit, right? ;) :lol:

Kidding...actually, the stand has a fairly large footprint (86"x26"x8") so the weight is distributed over a large should be fine as long as it is on a good level surface....


Well heck then...lets make it a corner stand...that way I can take out both walls and the floor....go big or go home right? lol
don't forget to run chains to the ceiling also....we wouldn't want to leave anything undamaged :lol:

Actually, like I said, if the surface you are placing it on is level (and resonably well constructed) it should be fine...however Nikki's suggestion may not be a bad idea if your landlord really doesn't care if you do can never have too mcuh support...

Nikki...sure, I'd like to see some photos of your stand shoring....

Ok Shannon here is the simple part, the standard plumbing.

So 1 inch drains and 3/4 returns throught the two overflow boxes. I will show you later how to make the baffles in the sump.

Closed loop coming up next.
