help with loud pump

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I am thinking about making a enclosed box with sound damping material also with airport to cool the pump. Has any done this? Other option is to drill floor and run pump outside. Any1 done this also?

By putting the pump in a box you will create heat that will transfer to the water. Any sound deadening material will act as insulation.
I was planning to get a chiller later. But the sound currently is too loud. I have put a rubber bad underneath the pump but still making fan noise. Adjusted the drain and output valve with no change in noise. Been running for 24 hrs still same. Outside plumbing?
Went to obd and got a use iwaki md40. Had a prior md40 making same amount of noise and thought was bearing. I think it's the fan in the back. I have a covered patio in the back so planning to put pump in back. Planning to drill hole in floor and run 1" plumbing for drain and return.


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Iwaki's are a louder pump in general. they are a decent price and a work horse. but do have a good hum to them. if the hum gets to you that bad then I suggest looking into a reeflo series. I belive thats the one that is the best on sound. I would message becca at obd or call. but she is very particular about sound. so you could ask her about a different brand that is less noisy.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2.

Ben, I run an iwaki wmd30lxt and you have heard my system. would you say that mine is loud? I am actualy happy with my system for noise levels. I'm just trying to understand what we consider loud and weather or not I should expect more.
Ben, I run an iwaki wmd30lxt and you have heard my system. would you say that mine is loud? I am actualy happy with my system for noise levels. I'm just trying to understand what we consider loud and weather or not I should expect more.

Some pumps just run louder than others.
I run 2 pumps that are about as quiet as anyone could hope for.
I use a Poseidon P4 and a Eheim 1262. The 1262 makes a tiny bit of noise you can hear when you get within about 1' of it. You can't tell the P4 is running unless you put your hand on it.
So IMO you can have a quiet system, by anybodys standards.
You just have to use all the tips and tricks we all have and use them.
Hey man sorry to hear that your still having sound issues..

maybe if there is a way to mount the pump to a thick piece of rubber and then plumb it with flex line so it will help with the noise. You are more than welcome to come hear my pump like I said.

The pump in the store was super quite I think it is just the box it is stilling on that is causing most of the noise would be my guess.
kevin. I dont think yours is very loud. but mine is.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2.

ok, so where I am going with this is why? My pump was new and had been up for less than 2 years. I used an old rubber disc from the top of a record player under it, and the only place where piping would be in contact with the stand I used some rubber insulation there too. thats about all I can add.
there are 2 versions of the iwaki pump, the American made 1 and the Japanese made one. the American 1 is very noisy compared to the Japanese one. just fyi
ok, so where I am going with this is why? My pump was new and had been up for less than 2 years. I used an old rubber disc from the top of a record player under it, and the only place where piping would be in contact with the stand I used some rubber insulation there too. thats about all I can add.

Is all your plumbing solid or do you have some spanaflex hoses or other flexible hose from the pump? I know on cars if you don't use flex pipe in some exhaust systems there more noise and vibration.

And if you go to some hardware stores they sell rubber in a roll about 6" wide and how ever long you need and it's soft. You can make rubber insulators for under the pump and bolt it to a board , not to tight , to insulate it. JMO
Is all your plumbing solid or do you have some spanaflex hoses or other flexible hose from the pump? I know on cars if you don't use flex pipe in some exhaust systems there more noise and vibration.

And if you go to some hardware stores they sell rubber in a roll about 6" wide and how ever long you need and it's soft. You can make rubber insulators for under the pump and bolt it to a board , not to tight , to insulate it. JMO

all solid. no spaflex anywhere.
there are 2 versions of the iwaki pump, the American made 1 and the Japanese made one. the American 1 is very noisy compared to the Japanese one. just fyi

I don't think this is a fair statement to claim the american made is "very" noisy. mine is the american motor (wmd as as compared to md) and its very quiet. its more acurate to sa tha the japanese motor ones are "slightly" less noisy.
I was thinking about this thread last night so i went and cut some 1 inch silicone hose that I had only about a 1 inch long then cut it half and took the 2 halves and put them under my pump to see if it would make a difference and sure enough it did took some more of the hollow vibration sound out from the pump. maybe try soft mounts under what you already have. I was surprised on how much it made a difference cause I already had some soft little rubber feet under there. good luck man..
look up la fish guys they show a tank that a wife was unhappy with the motor noise and he swapped it out for a Japanese and was night and day difference. and the other pump was new aswell. this is wher i got the info havent seen it in person some1 pls chime in who actually own or dealt with the different pumps.
Damn thanks you all for the input. I have lifted the pump off the stand and it was still making the humming noise. I knew when I ask my lady did it help. She gave me the devil eye meaning #$%^ i still hear it. I folded a towel and put it under the pump to help with the vibration from the tank. Than I cut a cardboarb box and put it between the pump and stand. It help damper the sound a lot. So I believe its the fan in the back of the pump. Might try another pump Iwaki pump soon. 3rd time the charm and always have backup pump just in case.
remember when you ran the motor at the store and you could not hear it running? I was like 4 feet behind you and could not hear it either.

I also believe the pump you bought was a japan one. I think the japan ones have the black end cap and american have green. I thought yours was black.

I would say if possible put couple towels under the cabinet where the pump is sitting. put enough in there to fill the void if you can this will help cut down the vibration noise coming from the pump. I would also strongly look at replumbing it with more flex line..

once again I will invite you and your wife over to hear mine and see what she thinks. I am no means a plumber but I have a hack saw and some pipe glue and would be happy to give you a hand. I will also be happy to help you make a pad for the pump to sit on to try and help with noise as well. I have a few ideas running around in my tiny brain cause I feel like I want to try and make mine a little quieter but I am not that overly unhappy with the noise leave at this point.
Im confused. Theres alot of talk of using more spaflex. Why? I have a mak4 return pump and i barely hear the thing. He bought it ised. Hes been saying he thinks its the fan. My suggestion, buy a new fan or whatever to fix the fan noise. I dont know jack about iwaki pumps other than theyre ugly, but if you ask me, replacing a fan or the shaft would be a better fix than buying a new pump(s) or using more spaflex hose. I thought spaflex lowers the gph? Am i wrong? What is this "box" that its sitting on? Why is it on a box?
he did buy a used pump I just happen to be OBD when he did so we talked. the box is part of the stand by looking at the pics from his org. post. the used pump he bought was super silent in the store. hope that helps you understand what going
I am not sure about the spa flex lowering the gph.

Also I have a Idea about the union and line out of the pump. next week look at mine and then we can do your the same way. and try it out to see if it helps. If we buy screw together parts you can return them if it dont help..