help with my new xenia

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Apr 13, 2006
los angeles
I bought a xenia frag couple days ago but noticed its not pulsing yet. All the regular tests look fine, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate 0ppm. i use salifert all in one once a week, and i did a salifert iodine supplement 2 weeks ago. My pH was 7.8 but yesterday i used AquaPharm proper pH 8.2. so that should be fine. Any ideas what else I should test for? or what could be causing my xenia not to pulse?:confused: thanks for all your help in advance.
what kind of lighting, flow on your xenia, and temp? ime xenia tend to not do good in high temperatures, pulse less in more flow, and get skinnier and pulse less in overskimmed water

No worries

I just bought some Red Sea Xenia and they really didn't start pulsing for about 3-4 days. When I initially placed them in the tank only a few pulsed rarely. Then completely stopped for like 3 days. Now it’s been a little over a week and they are pulsing like crazy. As long as they look healthy I wouldn’t worry about the pulsing just yet. Not to discourage you but I’ve heard that Xenia can be weird; some people grow xenia successfully and, for whatever reason, can’t get them to pulse.
When you checked your pH, did you check it at the same time of day as you did when the pH was 7.8? pH can fluctuatue with photoperiod, and can be low in the morning before the lights come on....then before lights out, pH can be in the normal range.

As for the Xenia...whenever I frag mine, or pass it on to someone else's tank, it will usually look ugly for a few days before it gets back to its glory.

Here is a good article for you: To Pulse or Not To Pulse? Identification of Xeniid Corals in the Aquarium Hobby by Anthony Calfo.
I am curious to know what your tempature is?

Temp can have a lot to do with your xenias reactions i think that it may be a little too warm for them. I also agree 100% with Josh about different factors that can affect your Xenia.
shallowreef said:
I am curious to know what your tempature is?

Temp can have a lot to do with your xenias reactions i think that it may be a little too warm for them. I also agree 100% with Josh about different factors that can affect your Xenia.

well.. yea temp has been a concern. its been so hot this summer.. even with a big fan on it temps are up to 83.9-84.5 .. at night it will be 80-81. you think this is the problem?
NaH2O said:
When you checked your pH, did you check it at the same time of day as you did when the pH was 7.8? pH can fluctuatue with photoperiod, and can be low in the morning before the lights come on....then before lights out, pH can be in the normal range.

As for the Xenia...whenever I frag mine, or pass it on to someone else's tank, it will usually look ugly for a few days before it gets back to its glory.

this makes me feel a bit better =) \
but ya i actually did check it at a different time of day.. i will do another test later when i get back home .
I think that the temp is most deffinately the problem. Xenia do well in the upper to mid 70's. The 80* water may very well be your problem. Try cooling the tank with frozen water bottles or ice cubes in a ziplock bag. I feel your pain with the battle of the heat.

Do you have a fan blowing directly on the water? If not i would try that it worked for me for a while. Also try cutting your lights down to only half of their usual time. When it got really hot i ran the fan on the water 24/7 and some times i would only run actinics and no halides.
Just my experience with Xenia, but my nano is usually around 82F this time of year, and the xenia is pumping away. However, I would agree that 84F is a little on the high side.

If it isn't the temperature, then it very well may be your Xenia trying to adjust to its new home. A dumb question, but I have to ask...the Xenia was pulsing when you bought it? :)
i actually have a fan blowing directly on the water. lowest it can get during the day is high 83 low 84.. i might have to try the ice.. what im trying to do now is since i have to do a 32 oz top off every day for evap, im using ice cold ro/di water to help cool it off a bit.

when i first bought it i actually didnt notice if it was pulsing.. when i went to the lfs yesterday where i bought it, i noticed their xenia wasnt pulsing either but it was under medium to heavy flow so it was hard to tell.

currently mine is under moderate flow and stock aquapod 50/50 pc lighting.
I think some Xenias have a mind of there own. I have some of the "elongata" type that doesn't noticably pulse unless I turn off the flow. Then I have some of the "pom pom" type that pulse all the time regardless of flow. Thats just my lil' tidbit of info :)
So new update. Some of my guys started pulsing last night. This morning I checked and for the most part.. most of them were pulsing. I think the temperature issue, pH boost, and a little time for them to acclimate themselves was the key. Thanks for everyones comments and advice!