Kevin's livestock
Thanks Mojo for allowing me to post this in our forum. I will add it to the classifieds tomorrow.
Here is what I'm thinking: The first day that I can get a significant number of you fish buyers up north or arrange transportation south for the fish, I will do the teardown. I am shooting for
Tuesday early afternoon. Please make arrangements to get your fish home on that day, or be clear with me that you are not going to make it, but you absolutely want the fish. I will sell "your" fish to someone else on the move day if we do not have a prior agreement. Remember that if I hold your fish past the teardown day, it will go into a 300gal with all the other fish on hold. This may well be hard on some of the less aggressive fish.
I plan to start at noon and I expect the fish will be ready to go home starting about 1PM. Please be there as close to that time as you can, it will be easier on the fish to spend as little time as possible in the bag. TheKraken has offered to bring fish as far south as Edmonds on the teardown day, please make arrangements to pay for and pickup the fish with him ahead of time.
If you want a fish that is already on hold, I will add you to the list and call you right away if it is not picked up.
Please only hold a fish if you are sure you will be able to finish the deal. This is complicated enough as it is

Here is the livestock list and fish that are currently on hold:
Dog-face puffer $20.00
Koran Angel 4” $20.00 TheKraken
Baby Mollies (2) $1.00
Mollies $1.00
Chromies small (5) $1.00 WaBlonde
Chromies larger (2) $1.00 NWDiver
Christmas Wrasse 6” $25.00
Leopard Wrasse $30.00
6 line Wrasse (small) $5.00 Not Avail.
Huge Sailfin Tang $50.00 TheKraken
Smaller Sailfin Tang $20.00 TheKraken
Yellow Tangs (2) 4”-5” $10.00
Hippo Tangs (3) 5”-7” $10.00 TJL(1) Arman(1) Minh(1)
Scopas Tang 4” $10.00
Maroon Clown pair female 5” male smaller $10.00
Maroon clowns small (2) $5.00
Fire Clown $10.00
Damsels blue devil and blue/yellow tail (5-7) 1”-2” $1.00
Basselets (3?) 3” $5.00 Temp hold- If you asked about these, let me know.
Copper Banded Butterfly 5” $25.00 Hold for ThatGuy559
FoxFace (Large) 7” $20.00
Cat Sharks (Large) 12” full grown now $20.00
Golden dwarf Moray Eel (12”) $50.00
PJ Cardinals 2” (4) $5.00 (2)NWDiver
Marine Betta 5” $25.00
Pair of blood or scarlet shrimp $20.00 Dolphinlvr, Justforfun
Coral banded shrimp $10.00
Live Rock $2.00lb
Large Hermits $2.00
Small Hermits $ .50
Snails $ .50
Red bubble tip anemone (BIG) $30.00
Red bubble tip anemone (small) $20.00
Mangroves (small) $2.00
Mangroves (Large) $5.00
Coral: price does not include the rock, but most can be removed.
Large colony green zoas $20.00
Smaller colony green zoas $15.00
Green zoas Frag size $5.00
Xenia Frags $5.00
Kenya Frags $5.00
Anthillia Frag $5.00
Large Finger Leather $30.00
Branching Gorgon (needs TLC) $20.00
Neon green toadstool $20.00
Green star polyps frag $5.00