"Herbie" Method Overflow... though one pipe?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Not sure if it will fit, but I was wondering if the idea of running a "Herbie" method could be done though one pipe simply by adding a T fitting and a gate value about half way down the return pipe. I would be using the top of the current return pipe as the "emergency" I would like a truly silent tank but I'm not really willing to re-plumb the thing.

Ideas... thoughts?
You mean you want to put a "T" and gate valve inside of the overflow? Sure it will work if it'll fit. But will be a total nightmare to adjust regularly. Especially once it encrusts with critters.

Changing your return to an over the top, and plumbing in a second overflow beside the first wouldnt be that much work and expense for the pay off. Why not do it right and be done with it?
The Herbie method will not work with only 1 pipe. There's a very long thread about it, on RC, that goes into details of why it won't work. Keep in mind that the Herbie method has nothing to do with increasing flow or volume. It's all about making your overflow and sump quiet. It actually decreases flow and volume.
Yep and mine is suuuper quiet. With no problems at all. About 500 gph going through my fuge.
Well I just re-plumbed my tank, took about ten minutes and about $15... Its CRAZY quiet! I don't know why I didn't do this months ago!

I do think that the "herbie" method could work though one pipe... if the T was in the overflow, technically I think the idea is sound But I just went for it anyway.
The Herbie Method uses a valve, below the main drain pipe, to restrict flow through it. Because it works on "head pressure" of the water column above the open pipe, and because "head pressure" can be effected by atmospheric pressure, the second pipe is used as a stand by pipe. As the flow fluctuates, through the main drain pipe, the second pipe sometimes has to drain water, or the water level in the overflow will continue to rise. If the second pipe is not installed, when the water level continues to rise, you'll end up with a flood. If only one pipe is used, you'd need to be constantly fiddling with the valve, opening it or closing it slightly more. If you happen to be gone for a couple of days, and there's a change in atmospheric pressure, it could be disastrous.
I have to say this is the ONLY way to go if you have the option! Didn't know a tank could be SO quiet!
I just set up a tank with a herbie system. I have a second overflow box though, and I think I would be very scared without it. It usually isn't used, and most often there is a very small trickle going through the second drain line, but you can't even hear it without putting your ear up to it.

With a single drain, I think I would be very scared of a flood. As a general precaution, I have 2 drains on everything (my display and fuge) just incase something clogs. Its never a bad idea
