Here comes the heat...

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Mar 17, 2004
Columbus, OH
For an intro to the infamous Houston heat we have 90-95 degree temps this week. :eek: Fri, Sat and Sun set heat records for May. :cool: If it's bad now, I can't wait to see what July, Aug and Sept bring... not....:eek: Hopefully it won't be a record breaking summer. You guys in Seattle have it good. :) Enjoy your mountains while I try to avoid a heat stroke :lol:
I was in Phoenix over the weekend picking up a 210g tank that I bought. It was sizzling over there. 108 and 110 deg. Man I'm glad to be back in the Mtns of New Mexico. We're setting records for this date here as well, but we're only in the low 90's.

It's going to be a hot summer if this keeps it up. Time to buy stock in aquarium chiller companies!
There is nothing worse than 90-95F and high humidity like we get here. I could take dry heat...its the humidity with the heat that sucks. We freeze in the winter and roast in the the tornados :)...sounds like a great place to live, doesn't it? LOL at least today is gorgeous
anything above 70 is hot here. and below 65 is really cold.

Us NWerners...we like it just right.
It's been over 70 since the beginning of March and it won't cool off now until about October... :eek: I also like the warm weather, but the humidity is awful. They're predicting a hurricane season 70% greater than last year so us South Texans have that to worry about too.... Only good thing about the heat right now is that we have a pool to keep us cool... I think our dog uses the pool at least 4 hrs a day :lol:
Hey Scooterman - no questions from me! - Yikes! At least hurricanes can be predicted...unlike tornados ;). Last year we had a 5 minute warning, and it hit a couple of miles away. How hot does it typically get down there in the summer?
Scooterman and Nikki all i have to say is .. i feel for you :( and i wish sometimes mother nature wasn't that mean
I think without the heat index we max in the upper 90's, 115 index at times, who cares after 90 it is all hot lol.

Hurricanes scares the Bageezes out of me, usually we see several tornados to go with them also, actually tornados are also common here, I know we have a few each year, I think they are scarier at times. I'm thankful we don't live in tornado ally though, mid west get it bad. Tornado damage can be even more destructive because of the high winds. Hey we also left out Florida, last year they were hit 4 or 5 times not good. This reminds me I need a generator but my pocket books tells me no lol.

Well from the sounds of it I'm glad it's been rainy and cool here in beautiful Montana :)

Sometimes we complain about the snow and rainy springs but at least we don't have the humidity and heat, tornado's, huricanes, earth quakes, or COCKROACHES !!!!!!

Being in the Navy for 10 years I saw abotu all that and finally came home when I had enough. Hope you all fare well this year and keep your heads clear of falling ______ .
AHHHH cockroaches.......... it is hard for me to deal with THOSE! When I take the dog out at night I go out with a can of Raid in my hand. ;) At least the cats keep them out of the house, but I just found out a week ago that the big ones FLY!!! How gross.... :eek: