Here we go! 336 gal acrylic tank with CL-Suggestions Plse

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Despite the cloudiness, I like it! The rockwork looks really good in the backround. I'll keep an eye out for the pics when it clears up:)
Thanks. All systems seem to be a go at this time and I am pooped for tonight. All that rock was in the 180 and I was beginning to think that we had too much rock when we started moving it. I don't have a clue how many pounds there is. I still have sand out of the 180 to move over and that will be a good seed for the new sand in this tank. I don't have any loc line or anything coming out of the CL but I am liking the flow in the front.

I also want to thank tmerrick for giving me some RO tonight to help finish things off. I needed it.
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It's time to load you up with some photos so here they are. The tank is clearing up much quicker than I thought it would. This is fun!!








Thanks Krish. I still have a few things to do yet. Like move the sand from the 180. I have all the rock except for a few small pieces setting on that plastic crating so I will slowly pour the sand around the perimeter of the rock and get it built up.
Just got the skimmer installed and now to start working on getting the chiller in. That's the last major piece.

The tanks even clearer now than when I took the pics. I put fiberfill material that is used in stuffing pillows in between the baffles going to the return area for some temporary filtering until the tank clears then I will remove it and let nature do the work.
Looking nice, after all that work!
P.S. try adjusting the white balance & you should get lees blue:D
Thanks Scooter, I've been meaning to try that and you reminded me when I had a moment to dig into the manual and learn how to set WB. Here is the product of that.






A warm welcome from myself cesar. I hope everyone has a great and joyus Christmas.

Thanks to all for the accolades on the tank. It has been some work but now can be enjoyed. I am not finished yet though. Now the enclosure and new canopy when the funds permit.
Thanks for the well wishes and a Merry Christmas to all of you as well.

I really like the CL system. I will watch for a while but I don't think that I am going to need to put LocLine Y's or anything on those outlets. It is working great so far with very nice flow in the front but not too much. There seems to be enough porosity in the rock structure to allow flow even from the bottom row of outlets to flow through to the front. I am really glad I drilled now. Thanks for all the support.

Thanks Nikki. It is really working well. So far there are no casualties from the move. The CL is working wonderful without any LocLine nozzles on it so for now this is the way it is going to work.
Looks very nice! Don't forget you've still got the holes on top for Sea Swirls:lol: Maybe some time I could come over and see it in person:) I could even bring you some "tank warming" gifts.

The tanks doing great Nikki. Hi Tim. If you want to get a look at the tank better do it quick. I am hopefully anticipating a job change which will take me to Virginia so I have sold the tank to a friend in Noblesville who just built a new home. We will be tearing it down on the 24th so I need to get the livestock sold. Got to get serious about it soon as I would like to have the livestock picked up when we tear the tank down. Too hard to catch it all with it full of water so coordination is key. I need to get a list on here somewhere. I would love to see someone just take all the livestock but I doubt that will happen.

We are keeping the 65 gallon as it won't be too hard to move.
