Hermit attacking Turbo

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
I have a red-legged hermit crab that has been attacking a turbo snail. I separated them once already and put them on opposite sides of my 29gal. 20 minutes later he's on top of him again.

Does he want food or the shell?
Most likely his shell, but either is possible. Having a selection of shells in the tank usually helps minimize this problem.
The initial clean up crew in my NC28 was 5 red legged hermits and 5 astrea snails. Within six months, the score was Hermit crabs 5, snails 0. Pretty sure they were all eaten...only one shell was taken over...and I had extra shells lying around.
Well he killed him overnight. Should I let the CUC deal with the remains or remove it? Nitrates were already 10-20ppm last time I checked. I know this is quite common in a mixed CUC but will it affect my tank negatively? The turbo was a decent size, about 1-1.5" in diameter. He's been picking at it for the last few hours.
remove him is best. Go to walmart buy a bag of medium size shell for $5 and boil it. Put it on the bottom so that the hermit have a "selection" of shells to come into. Hermit will kill for shells like how some people get kill for shoes :)
After nearly 10 days of the shell missing completely my hermit just showed up in his new digs. How big do hermits get? This is a pretty good sized shell

And yeah, I only have 2 snails left from the half dozen I put in the tank.