Heteractis magnifica slaughter

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Nov 22, 2004
Madrid, Spain
DISCLAIMER - not for the faint hearted

Yep, a slaughter. That is what I just witnessed a couple of hours ago.

This afternoon I had agreed to meet with a local reefer to swap some SPS frags for an purple footed H.magnifica and the Amphiprion clarki that hosts in it.

Since I started in the hobby I've wanted an anemone. I've read everything I could find on them and I often priced them out. But I just always passed it up. I simply decited that I would not buy one until I knew I had the appropriate system for it.

Just so happens that the timing right now is perfect. I have an established tank in my office with very low bio-load, just some LPS corals and lots of space. When I read the post from a local guy saying he had the anemone with the clarki ready to trade or sell, I knew it was the perfect opportunity.

When I got there he showed me two descent sized anemones. The one he had "ready" in the sump looked pretty shabby so he wanted to give me the anemone in the display tank. The only problem was it was still attached. He then proceeded to rip the anemone off the rock. But it was very firmly attached and it did not want to come off.

Watching him pull the foot I suggested using some ice to entice it to release. He went off to the kitchen and instead of Ice he had a knife. Not a sharp knife for a clean cut but a normal table knife. I wont go into the gory details. I tried telling him there was no hurry and that I could come back another day. But he wouldnt stop til the critter was in the bucket.

I brought it to its new home.

I acclimated it very slowly with an airstone in the vessel until the pH matched the tank pH. It only took me a half hour to get it home but the pH was at 7,4 :O

Its no looking all that bad. But then again, I'm no expert on these animals.

What should I look for over the coming days?
Pray a allot. Ripping off anemones can damage their foot and cause death. It may take days for it to actually die, if it does.That guy is an idiot and tell him I said so.
This anemone is the most difficult to keep alive as it is. I have little hope that it will survive. However, since you already have it, I do suggest giving it the best chance possible. This will require perfect water parameters and a perfect environment.

I have accidently torn a BTAs foot when trying to find it a new home. It completely recovered, but did not leave my care after that. Once the anemone is injured, it needs to stay in its environment until it is completely recovered (at least a month). Removing an anemone from its existing environment and placing in another just adds more stress. Placing an injured anemone in a new environment is likely fatel.

The person who did this to this creature has no buisness keeping animals. I do wish you and the anemone the best of luck! Keep us posted on the progress!
pictuers would be good
why would he use a knife ice sounds like a good idea
hey I know what you mean. I had nightmares for a few days.

Fortunately, I'm very happy to report that the anemone has survived. Two months after the slaughter its not only alive, its feeding and growing.
Lots and lots of alternating current. Feed it tiny amounts every few days. Good luck
hey I know what you mean. I had nightmares for a few days.

Fortunately, I'm very happy to report that the anemone has survived. Two months after the slaughter its not only alive, its feeding and growing.

Proof is in the pudding!

