How can I get clearer water in my tank

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Feb 23, 2007
Mammoth Cave, ky
I am wanting to know how can I get my water crisper and clearer in my tank. I have a 40 gallon sump and a 30 gallon refugium connected to it but the water still has a dull look to it. My sump is a lifereef with his skimmer attached to it all of my pumps are all outside the system no pumps inside the tank or sump. I have a closed loop system. I do have 3" sand bed. This is a 240 gallon tank acrylic.
I have a uv so i need to run carbon in my sump right! What do I need to do I am new to this. Just put it in a container and put it in the sump. I have some here and can put it in a mesh fabric material that I order just for it.
Also try large water changes, siphon out as much loose stuff as you can, do this several times, once things settle it should get crisp! One other things is Ozone, it will get your tank super crisp but you should really read up on it throughly & be careful, not the easiest thing to do!
Excuse me but I am new to this so I am going to ask a silly question what the h$#$ is a ozone and what does it do? I just put carbon in between the baffles on my sump in a bag.
I just put carbon in between the baffles on my sump in a bag.

Sounds great! What brand did you use? In any event, be sure to not leave it too long before changing it. The average time frame when people change theirs is about 2 -3 weeks, but I personally use to change mine weekly. After the carbon has been in for a while, it can become exhausted/full meaning it will no longer be able to absorb anything anymore so it will need to be changed. Good luck with it!:)
I really dont remember what brand it was I baught it at the local reef store and I used some and put the rest in a vacumed pack bag. So if I change it every two weeks this will help out? About how long before I should see a difference in my tank? I need to post some pics of my tank eventhough it is not done yet I am closing it in a devider wall in my downstairs den. I have to close in the end but I have to put a mbv on my CL first.
Some people have actually noticed a difference over night with running carbon (if it is something in the water that needs to be absorbed that the carbon can take care of) so don't be surprised if you don't notice a difference tomorrow. Carbon doesn't take long to work once it is in a high flow area. If the carbon doesn't do the trick, then there are other things to try as suggested as it may be tiny particles in the water that needs to be removed. Then there are always bacterial blooms that make the tank look cloudy that requires a different approach, but see what the carbon does:)
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I COMPLETELY agree with everything that Krish just said.

However, the type of carbon is actually very important.

For instance;

Coconut carbons are pretty much worthless in a reef tank
Pelletized carbons are pretty much worthless in a reef tank
Granular activated carbons have a wide variance in effectiveness depending on brand, material used to make the carbon, etc. If you could check the brand the next time you go back to that store, we can help you more.
Black Diamond is pretty popular and a good brand of carbon to use. That's all I've ever used although there are others just as good or even better. However, it is a great carbon for the price. As for tiny paticles floating, a filter sock or a micron cartride run in something like a canister filter are good at picking them up. Makes a world of difference:)
Can you put carbon in the overflow?

That would be fine (other than it will trap a lot more detritus) once it is submerged. I don't think you'll want carbon exposed to air as I "think" impurities in the air, it will absorb as well (which I figure is why they use them in cat litter boxes to absorb the odor) so I figure it will exhaust it quicker. Could be wrong, though but just a thought. Hopefully someone else will chime in to give a coreect answer if I'm off:p