How can I make my XXL Derasa Happy?

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Jan 3, 2005
I have a huge derasa that is nearly 12" wide.

This pic is an older one and the sand and such is still in place. It was actually spawning in this pic.

The problem is that it will not stay still. There is nearly no sand under it, as it periodically blows sand away from itself while turning itself. I have tried to contain the lower portion of the shell with some branching live rock, and I have placed the clam itself in a recess in my rock structure.

It is aggrevating to have the clam constantly blowing sand onto my zoos and ricordia. And the loud banging noise is not very comforting either. This usually occurs several times an hour.

I have tried rotating the clam 180 but it was worse.

For lack of a better description, I have thought some sort of bean bag to set the clam on would help, but I am not sure, and do not want to raise it up any more than I have to.

Do you have any ideas?

The tank is a 180 btw.
I have no clue as to what to tell you, but I just wanted to say that I love your setup! Good luck with finding a good resting place for him!
I just had an idea, but not sure if it will help. I know nothing about clams at all, but I was wondering if they had to (for any reason) have to move around to survive? If they could stay pretty much stationary and be happy, why not get some aquarium putty or something like that, and stick the fellow to a rock, the glass at the bottom of the tank, or something that he can't turn over or move. Just a though, but not sure if it makes any sense at all(LOL)
Does it get alot of particulate landing on it?? What is the flow condition aroond it.

Thanks for the compliment. Clams do not have to move around to survive. They actually attach themselves to rocks by a special gland they have. But they do need to be able move both halves of their shells. Besides, this clam is pretty powerfull and I doubt a person culd glue it down for very long.

No particulate other than tang poop, and the flow is not calm by any means.

The black perc in the pic actually hosts in the clam but the clam seems to have come to ignore the fish, and blows at times when the perc is out swimming around. The clam does react when the fish are swimming around the edges of it's mantle, but when the perc is nestled down in near the siphon, it does not seem to mind.

A very large part of my flow is from my CL. My CL is on a timer and is off at night. I thought that the flow might be contributing to this problem, but the clam blows when the CL is off too.

The clam always tries to rotate in the direction it is facing in this pic. Ocassionally, I will rotate it back to square.

Here is the current condition.
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Generally, which end of the clam do they prefer to be higher n the tank? The intake, of the exhaust? Due to the shape of the shell and the flat bottom, it needs to be one or the other unless I come up with the bean bag thing.
Mine did the same thing until I gave up and let him do what he wanted. I would rotate him so I could see the intake and set him square. He'd always do a u turn and turn side ways. I left him alone and he has settled in to a spot that I really dont like but he hasnt moved in months. But I have notice the one next to him has done exactly the same thing Sits the same direction and angle.

AcroSteve said:
Generally, which end of the clam do they prefer to be higher n the tank? The intake, of the exhaust? Due to the shape of the shell and the flat bottom, it needs to be one or the other unless I come up with the bean bag thing.

I have found clams prefer to be placed in an upright position with their intake siphon the same or lower than their outlet siphon.
Waterdogs, I have found the same thing, but wanted some other opinions too. Thanks.

Barry, That is my biggest concern. It outgrowing my tank. Trouble is, I have another Derasa that is growing like a weed too.

I am pretty sure the crocea in front came from you, Barry.

I do not think it would ship well in anything other than a 5 gal bucket.

I could hand deliver it to you if you send me the airfare. :D.
My guess is that its trying to orient itself to the lighting above the tank in a way that makes it happiest. This is only a W.A.G, but seems pretty plausible. I've got three clams myself currently and they will all occassionaly re-orient themselves for unknown reasons.

Steve I find with my big clams that they do perfer contact, Something against one or both sides and then to have the ability to rest the mantle against or on top of something. I think that as the start getting really big they need a little support for tissue mass that is getting hard to hold up.

In my expernice with a derasa clam is the water current. If the water current is to strong it will move until it is happy. I placed my clam so it would only get slight indirect water flow and he has been very happy ever since. That has been about three months and he has not moved.