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Without books and published studies we wouldn't have good forums because the forum is only as good as its members. That being said, I think forums can be better than books. It seems to me, that forums (this one at least) is like a living breathing book. There are defined chapters (forum topics), and within each chapter there is the answer to your specific problem or question, using the newest, most up-to-date information. And if the question is not already there, then you can ask it.
Lots and Lots of visits to LFS (asking a ton of questions) and reading the Conscientious Aquarist book by Bob Fenner. However, you can learn a ton of information very quickly in fish forums like this.

Experimentation:D Started keeping marine tanks over twenty years ago, long before the internet...had a few books, but most was trial and error...killed a lot of fish...:doubt: And back in those days, we had to walk barefoot to the LFS and back home in the snow (3 feet deep as I remember it), uphill both ways...:D

So would you say that you could enter this hobby not knowing anything about SW fish and coral and succeed at it with the help of online studies and forums and not have to pick up any book? Is it possible for most?

Highly recommend Fenner's book. I've been in the hobby 9yrs and I still use it as a reference book.
Most of the time, the "why" part of the answer is left out, on a forum. But good answer'ers will usually give you a link to where they got their information from or a link for further reading.
i would say it is possible without picking up a book, but it's just going to cost more in losses through trial and error, i think it's very wise to get a book to learn from what others have learned, they give a good overview of all the basics, probably save some time too
...killed a lot of fish...:doubt: And back in those days, we had to walk barefoot to the LFS and back home in the snow (3 feet deep as I remember it), uphill both ways...:D


An old professor of mine used to say that education is expensive. If it ain't been expensive, you ain't been educated. Learned more here in the last 6 months than in over 20 years as a marine aquariest. Anthony Calfo is my guru and RF is my "ashram", LOLOL
I was in outside sales for a pet supply company back in the 1980's and had to have a crash course in freshwater fish. We sold all the fish to Wal Mart stores in and around Houston at the time. I ended up keeping the fish the stores did not keep due to one reason or another and I couldn't see killing the fish by leaving them in the company van over a hot weekend. So I set a little 10g up and most of the fish ended up living and that lead to needing more tanks and then that lead to getting more interested in different freshie's and then saltwater. Been in the saltwater hobby since 1998 and for some time in the very early 1990's for 2-3 years.
Me, my first book was by Martin Moe, can't even remember the name now, DUH.:confused: Must of read it at least 4 times. Got the basics, some education from it and asked question till I was blue in the face. That was in 1989-90. Still asking questions and answering a few when I can....
eazy anwser

my tank 8-9 months old maybe a little less.....

no books just forums





no books,

the only thing you will not be able to cheat will be money
i have found the best good advice here. i got lots of bad advice from a few lfs' who were either ignorant or in at least one case just wanted to sell stuff that i wouldnt have bought if i knew the truth.
I owe most of my knowledge to RF!! however I have learned a large portion from my own trial and error and also experiementations... :D

Well , back in the day, It was learning from locals that were involved, Reading back then was limnited to very onesided way of doing things. We didnt have RR tanks available, so most of us used OF's to use a sump. It was hit and Miss back then, Turf scrubers were the fad then and now called FUge with little changes here and there, Flow rates and all were asking LFS's thier opinion, Back then they had knowledge, Today after reading some of the stuff I wonder if profit is more important then really knowing what your talking about. Forums like this have narrowed the knowledge base considerably, where Newbs can ask questions or search the threads for answers.

Reading books today is like getting news a little to late. most of the books use ideas we already implement because they have been shown and demonstrated on the forums, So IMHO reading anymore a book on the subject is thing of the past. Forums give the most Diverse opinions anywhere. Clubs also have a purpose in helping Newbs not make the same mistakes we did. Just my rant..... Sorry
I started with freshwater tanks when I was about 8 or 9 years old (1980). Salt water wasn't too popular back then and WAY out of my price range (I think my allowance was 50 cents a week.) I got out of the hobby until I was about 28 (Navy sent me all over the world) and began my short fascination with cichlids. I did a lot of diving in the Navy which really peaked my interest in salt water. I have been fortunate enough to dive in many areas of the world and see these creatures in their natural habitats. My tour in Iraq once again forced me out of all of my hobbies and so I began to move place to place quite often. Since moving fish tanks was such a difficult and tedious process, I really went all out with cars as I could drive them to my next destination. Now that I am settled down, I am able to set up a reef and let it grow for many years to come.

I learned a lot from books and reefkeepers; this is where most of my knowledge comes from. Throw in many mistakes and lots of common sense and I am where I am today. I no longer throw tens of thousands of dollars into cars, I do it with fish tanks. Not too many of my friends share my interest in reefs, but all of them tend to call upon my vast experience with turning wrenches!!