how to catch a 6line out of a 270g

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This is going to take some patience to get the 6line. He seems to know that it is a trap LOL. If this don't work out. I might have to do the laser trick:D!
Got'em!!!!!!!! I had to starve the guy for a week before he was hungry enough to enter the trap. Jayson he is yours come get him!:)
CONGRATS!!! Sarang you caught the big bully now its time to introduce him to the pocelain God hahahaha
I have a large trap I made its easy I have the same problem in my 270 with catching fish I would say I have been 95 % on being able to catch fish the only ones I havent been able to catch is my bangis and that is because the dad is not eating ,... if the fish is eating which I know 6 line love their food it should work perfect.. I just bought a clear acrylic trash can a small one like they use in batherooms maybe 1 foot tall by 10 inches around and cut out a round piece of acrylic to close the top with hooked a fishing line to the flap and just feed into the can everytime you feed the 6 line and everyother fish will go in there but who cares if you catch them all you just let the others go ya know catch and release works almost every time and with 5 minuits to 2 days its all over .. you had better get some kind of plan in place because by the time you put a 45 dollar copperbanded in there and he is eating 2-3 hundred dollar acans and sps you will be sorry trust me If I could have found a mini harpoon i would have..

We just got our six line out of the display tank in order to introduce some fatheads and a mystery wrasse. We borrowed a cylindrical fish trap (4" in diameter) from our LFS and had him trapped w/in the hour. He is such a pig - we baited the bottom of the trap with pellets and some mysis. Jeff tied some fishline to the trap door, tied weight to the other end, and hung it outside the tank. As soon as the six-line went in to eat, Jeff released the weight and the trap door shut. Easy. The six-line isn't so happy in the QT right now, but the new fish are in their new home. A fish trap is the way to go.