HQI Bulb Question

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2003
I wasnt happy with heat issues with My new MH unit so I was wondering about DE units.
Can anyone suggest an ideal bulb, where I wont need actinic supplement
Hamiltons, Phoenix and Ic bulbs are some of the choices.

Any ideas on what will be best for a 90 g tank.

Min - what type of MH unit did you have causing heat issues? How bad was the heat problem, and what did you try to correct the problem? I don't know that DE units would provide any extra relief.
Nikki Im running 2-250 watt SE XM bulbs whicha re 8 inchs from the water. They are installed in the canopy and I have 2 fans blowing across the lights. Temperature climbs to 85-86 degrees.
If I go with DE pendants They will be 12 inch above the water and sit on top of the canopy. Fans would then have an open space in which to circilate without hitting the fixtures inside the canopy.

MtnDewMan said:
I am getting my Phoenix 14.5k bulbs tomorrow, will let you know what I think :)

Are you going to run actinics with them

Currently that is the plan ... I was running 14.5k Hamilton bulbs with actinics and liked it so will probably do the same with the Phoenix. I will see how they look without actinics as well.
Im right behind you, just purchased2 Icecap pendant and Phoenix DE 250 lamps.Im lucky that the ONLINE store here is 15 minutes away. No damn shipping. Got to cut out the top of the canopy first. Now I got all this new equipment to sell. MONEY MONEY MONEY.

Mins new lights


Be sure to acclimate any corals to the Phoenix bulbs. A friend of mine locally had issues with her SPS and the bulbs. After fighting a losing battle for sometime, she decided to switch back to her old DE bulbs. I had a look at her tank yesterday, and all the corals that were suffering with the Phoenix bulbs were recovering very well with the switch. Something to be aware of. She never did find bad reviews/experiences of the bulbs, or other people with the similar problem, but her experience with them was poor.
Thanks Nikki ... I am willing to bet, and not going too far out on a limb either, than there is at least one person for each bulb out there that have had problems with that bulb and their system. So I don't think it is unlikely that one person out of many would have an issue with the introduction of a new bulb while the rest of the people using them do not have any issues. I think AB, Ushio, Radium, etc can all find examples of this (in my opinion).

But definately I will ensure acclimation to the new lighting, just as I am doing now with the ones on my tank. I have shaved a few hours of lighting time a day.
I plan on running them for only a few hours a day and gradually increase over a period of time.
