I am stressing.

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See Anemaknee
Oct 20, 2005
Well a few like Krish etc know about this and I was not going to post it but I keep thinking about it so........ In the morning I will be taking my wife to the hospital for a major surgery. The procedure has a high fatality rate so as you can guess I am STRESSED!! Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. I plan on being back in a few days with good news.;)
Good luck Brenden! Think positive thoughts! I will be thinking of you both in the morning.....God is good!

Sorry to hear that my friend.
Keep your chin up for her well being.
Think Positive!
She will see you not stressed out or freaked out and feel better.
When they had to take Samantha by emergency C-section they took her away very fast and my wife (now ex) was all freaked out. Where's my baby? What's wrong with my baby? Was a scary 24 hours. I remained calm (in front of her :lol: ) and tried my best to reassure her that everything was going to be just fine.
It was ( She just turned 16 July 5th) and to this day she still remembers that and thanks me for it.
You'll both get through this with flying colors Brah.
Thanks everyone. This all started a while back when she got hit by a drunk driver. She has had several surgeries since. I have always been strong with no stress like Maui said but this one is the worst of all of them and has my mind going crazy. It has not bothered me at all really until tonight. I guess the countdown is narrowing. Well I off to lay in the bed and stay awake worrying. Thanks everyone. Talk to you in a few days after she gets out of the hospital.
You know, sitting in front of a tank full of fish for 30 minutes is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and muscle tension.
I hope that everything goes well and that you will be back in a couple of days with great news. Think posotive and everything will be fine.

Good Luck

ahh dood :( .
I hope everything goes fine and that after this, she won't any more surgery.
I'll keep her in my prayers dood :) .
Take care dood !!! .
Had no idea man, thinking of you and your missus, stay strong, all will be well. im not near by but if i can help let me know, Steve