I am stressing.

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You could be Jack Robin pirate of the Bahamas! Hey how did I get roped into the Hijacking! You are building a crew aren't you:eek:
You could be Jack Robin pirate of the Bahamas! Hey how did I get roped into the Hijacking! You are building a crew aren't you

ROFL! I learned it from Gabby and Ken when I became more active here last June/July. Still haven't gotten it down quite that good...Yet:D
LMBO!!! yeah right..... Krish is the only one to blame ohhh and Kens, he used to be the king of hijacking... also Jiddy ... welll the old Jiddy because the new Jiddy seems a little bit more cranky somedays :p .
She is having a bad day today. Pain and depression. They said to expect this before the surgery. I want my wife back soon.
As far a Gaby/Krish go...Way to edit the post Krish. Here is the original.
Krish...Brenden came by here yesterday when the hubby was to work and he accidentally slipped on one of Antonio's spongebob toys and his pants tore off and I got a black eye. Dood...Have you ever watched that show Guinesses World records"? Well to make things worst right after my black eye he sprayed me with pepper mace. He appologised and said it was a reflex since Krish is always trying to get in his pants when he is not working at the Purple Penguin.
She is having a bad day today. Pain and depression. They said to expect this before the surgery. I want my wife back soon.

Sorry to hear that man...My mother in law was like that after she had 2 valves in her heart replaced last year. She said she wanted to die...Your wife will come around pretty soon. I'm still praying for you guys:)
Hang in there Brian, the two of you together will get through this, we're keeping you guys in our prayers.
At least she made it. I'm so glad to hear that everything turned out okay. I have also heard about teh depression but it only lasts so long and before you know it she will be back to normal.

Lots of luck

She is doing better today. I took her to the doctor this morning. After a question/answer session and pushing on here everywhere he said the sharp pain she is having is a pouch of blood that has collected. Basically told her to live with it until it spread out and went away.
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Really glad to hear she's at least improving physically. I'm sure depression will be a nasty recovery. It's your job to keep her up. Tell her she has to laugh to keep from crying. My momma always said....

Will keep you in my prayers and good luck. Will check back soon. Hope I won't have to go thru the whole thread to hear from BRENDEN!

She is doing better today. I took her to the doctor this morning. After a question/answer session and pushing on here everywhere he said the sharp pain she is having is a pouch of blood that has collected. Basically told her to live with it until it spead out and went away.

I'm glad she's doing better today dood :) .

she is having is a pouch of blood that has collected. Basically told her to live with it until it spead out and went away.

I hope that goes away soon :( .
Turns out the sharp pains are not a pouch of blood but a muscle that got torn up by one of the surgical instruments???? She is still really weak and just starting to come off of fluids. Thanks again for the prayers.
Brian, Our Prayers go out to your wife. We understand your situation for sure. It all will get little worse before it gets better. At least it seems that way. We here at AE hope for the best for your wife an may comfort soon approach for her. Our best!!

I can't keep you guys separate enough to direct anything at anybody!!:lol:
Well the sharp pain has almost completely gone away. It still flares up ocassionaly but nothing like before. Each day shows a small improvement, so she will be back to normal soon...I hope. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. On to faze 2. The drunk driver that hit her only had 30K of insurance. Well after getting our car repaired and several surgeries that will no where near cover the damage so I guess I get to pay for it. If anyone has any ideas or experience with this please feel free to PM or post it here.
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Good to hear she is getting better daily and sorry to hear about you having to absorb some of the costs. Hopefully we have some lawyers as members here:)

Have you spoke with a attorney on this. It seems they should be able to help out. Might cost you more though than the Med bills. But, than it might be worth it in the long run. Of course the sucker would have to pay the money and that in itself might be a bigger battle. Winning a case and actually collecting the money are 2 different things.
I have talked to several people. It seems my only option is to sue the driver. Being that he only had the minimal insurance allowed by law he probably does not have anything. Like you said winning and collecting are two different things. If the guy is struggling to make ends meet I do not want to take from him but he was also driving drunk and fled the sceen of the accident.