I bought a brown rainbow monti

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Dav, just noticed the majano next to your rainbow. If not gone already, would suggest dispatching it. Majanos can move. They will sting and kill off any part of the monti it comes in contact with.

Gabby, has your monti started to darken back up yet?
After it gets browner, raise it a bit more little by little; the blue and colors will return.
Gabby, has your monti started to darken back up yet?

you know dood i actually have been so busy dealing with alot of stuff from both of the kids that i haven't seen the tank (my new water is waiting at home for me ) but hopefully once i'm out of the hospital i'll be able to do my water change and see how all my other babies are doing :) .

I can never remember how to post a photo and if I can do it without posting to the web first...:confused:

okay here goes

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still trying the old fashioned way, pasting the photo properties into link....

(I can't find "manage attachments" ?)
Whew! I'm so impatient with technical things that don't work intuitively/automatically. :p

Anyway, thanks for your help. I went further into the embedded pics, via "Edit photo" then copied the properties and I noticed that the URL was different than the first URL. :)


still having problems...trying to repeat what worked 5 minutes ago.

Well, I'm done. If you look closely you can see orange polyps on the very bottom of this guy, the blue mantle, some green polyps in other spots....

I'll try to post more pics as the coral continues to gain color
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thanks! I got this from Mario at OceanReef in Poulsbo. He so nice to drop it by my workplace on his way to the airport one day...and he only charged me $60 for the piece. I was up for the challenge to try and transform it. :)
wwoouu doodette very nice :D.
now where did i put my magnifying glass?? :lol:......j/k :D

definetly i can see orange in there .
Nice to see folks posting their pics of the Rainbow monti. I got one from John (copps) back a few months ago in a trade. Dang it was so beautiful when it came in, super sweet. 3 weeks in my tank and blah...I either have outstanding encrusting montis or crappy ones. It is growing really well but became black/brown right in the center. That area has died off but the rest is growing well. It is a lavendar color with mostly red/orange polyps, the center was green, to orange to red when I got it, now no green polyps to speak of. I know it will make a recovery in time. My superman did the same thing when I first got it. Now it has recovered and looks totally awesome. This gives me great hope for my rainbow :).