I did a horrible thing to my monti cap...

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Jun 1, 2008
Seattle, WA
I was blasting detritus off with a baster and got a little overzealous and blasted tissue off. Will it recover? Is there anything I can to to help ensure it will recover?
They grow VERY fast under most conditions. Don't sweat it.
If the blasted spot grows algae, just trim it back to good tissue.
Otherwise, its all good...
Cool, since I got this SPS (it was my first) it's grown almost 25% it's size and has picked up really nice color, so I was sad this morning to wake up and see what had happened.
Thats one heck of a turkey baster. Are you sure you did the damage? Never seen a turkey baster blast the tissue off sps.

I blast my montis all the time without any problem. Hell, I can point my tunze directly at a coral and it wont "blast" the tissue off right away. It would take hours for damage to be done. Sounds to me like the tissure was already peeling off the the skeleton when your wife went to dust some detritus.
Huh, that seems odd, it's been showing growth for the last couple of weeks. Would it still grow but have tissue peeling off?
Unless you have high powered device a normal turkey baster cannot remove tissue from Montipora. I gave it a try holding the baster almost in contact with the coral.

If detritus sits on the coral for too long when dusted off there will be a white spot below. Sometimes it just recolors but other times the tissue has to regrow.

They grow VERY fast under most conditions. Don't sweat it.
If the spot grows algae, just trim it back to good tissue.
Otherwise, its all good...
Well, since my coral basting incident a few days ago, the cap is nearly orange again and no algae has grown on it yet.

Thanks for the responses guys.