I feel like I am beating a dead horse...

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
but I desperatly trying to restore my (now two) anemones to health. Split about what? two weeks ago. Have been hiding and not eating well. These are run of the mill BTA's. They moved under a rock after they split. I left them there. Today I turned the rock over and they are under 192 pc 10k/03. I don't think they are eating. My fish steal the food and the anemones are not real agressive about getting it in their mouths in a hurry.

Does the color of the food help at all? Like white fish not good, salmon better for a recovering BTA?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. They still are firm and reacting to their surroundings but just so white and the mouths don't seem quite healed yet.

Thanks in advance
It's normal color before was the color of pink pom pom xenia.
Sorry to hear Debbie...I had an anemone once and it did great for a while and then started going downhill. I put him in another tank and he ended up not making it. I've personally never had great success with an anemone yet, but here's a bump. Hope you get things in order and they make a turn around for the best:)
You could try posting this in Anthony Calfo's forum (the coral forum)...he knows a lot about anemones. I don't know but it could be that they are still healing from having split. I wonder if they are pure white, then they've expelled their zooxanthella and they may be more sensitive to light. In which case the brighter light may stress them. (I read this same scenario on somebody else's thread.) The advice was to try to feed them well with cyclopeeze and food pieces no larger than a brine shrimp or mysis shrimp. No pieces of silverslide as too hard to digest. And be careful about exposure to bright light yet.
Good eve. I don't know if this helps,but I didn't fed my BTA for over 6 six weeks it lived solely on the food from it's host algae,I,m probably quite luckly .I guess this would'nt apply in your case.Sorry I can't be more help[][]
They are doing better!!!!! :p yeay! :)
I turned the rock over, they are in light. 96 pc 10k/03. I cut it back to half light. They ate mysis.

I hope.
Ok... the story is these little anemones stayed soaking up light for a day. Then the origional one retreated under the live rock AGAIN! The new clone ( clown I mean other anemone) has decided to stay in the light. Good news is they both ate, but they are still white as ghosts. I had to use the turkey bater to bat away my yellow tang and coral beauty angel until the poor anemones could digest their food. I am mad at those fishes:evil:

Well, anyway will keep you posted and did take some pictures :doubt:.
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What are your water parameters? What size tank is that PC lighting on?

Meaty foods soaked in selcon has helped many anemones recover from bleaching. Try feeding tiny pieces daily. Mysis shrimp, krill, lance fish, silversides are all good choices.
From what I've read, the bleaching causes them to be highly sensitive to light. If you do more research on bleaching and light you will probably find the same thing....