I have a BTA that split

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
I have a BTA that split about a week ago and both parts went back under a rock where they get indirect light. They seem happy. They haven't moved since the move after the split however they are quite light in color.

My question is if they are happy is there current lower light positions why are they so light in color? I feed them however this does not seem to affect their color. Also I have fed them only once since they split allowing the mouths to recover.

Should I leave them where they are? Why would they be bleaching AND hiding from light? I don't get it?

Any ideas?
I think my question has been answered before "get your nitrates down" they are between 20- 40ppm but seeing that the anemone just split and that I don't want to change the water too fast I am not sure how to proceed.
Its very common to split because they are stressed. If this is a small one it probably was stress due to water conditions.

I would suggest target feeding to supplement their nutritional needs with Coral Frenzy or Cyclopseeze while they convalesce. They will move when they are ready. I would also suggest making sure your water parameters are where they should be.
O.K. Water change tomorrow. They are just getting harder because I know more about them now i.e. same temp./pH and such. Thank you all for the advice.
I think my question has been answered before "get your nitrates down" they are between 20- 40ppm but seeing that the anemone just split and that I don't want to change the water too fast I am not sure how to proceed.

Nems are very sensitive to nitrates - they don't even like them a little bit!:)