i need ph to rise

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
salinity 33ppt/1.0245
ph 7.7
am 0
no2 0
no3 20
po4 .25
ca 520
dKH 9deg/161.1 ppm
cu 0

what can i do to raise ph starting to stress life as i can see
i have a rowa reactor not hooked up. do u think this might help perameters. this is also a 30g qt tank. had an accident with a skimmer last night with big tank. lets just say i set the collection cup a lil too low and went to bed. lots of equipment at hand so pls give me ideas.
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From those numbers, it looks to me like the Nitrates and Phosphates may be what is stressing your tank.

To raise my pH, I usually add kalkwasser solution. Mix it for a few hours, let it settle off, take the solution off the top (NOT the precipitate that sinks.) This can also be done with a kalkwasser reactor. BUT, with your calcium already at 520, I would probably advise against doing that, or you may have a snow storm in your tank.

pH 7.7 really shouldn't be stressing anything out I don't think. When did you take the reading? How low does it go at night time?
so what is the best way to remove? no3 and po4
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usually it is dropped maybe 0.2-0.3 an hour after lights out, then comes back up by mid-day. There is almost always a swing in pH due to lights. It can be minimized by running a refugium with an alternate light cycle.

Curious if you are not having a swing
Fresh air in the room can help, I use a CO2 scrubber hooked up to my skimmer, it is the only was I can keep my PH up.
Is there a way to introduce o2 to the system? I live in Washington, and opening a window right now would send my house into a fridge state lol

HTC tapatalk
i put the air pump to the skimmer out a window. the tank is 15ft from a gas radiant fireplace could tis be a problem?
Hmm, not sure on that one. Is the tank in a room where the air is not getting circulated well or where there are a lot of people exhaling?

I'm sure you could do it somehow with an oxygen tank, but sounds like it may be a pain. Can't think of anywhere that I have read of people using O2 tanks, but don't see why not. You would have to be pretty careful though not to add too much, or it could be poisonous
Nick, try a simple CO2 scrubber. We had to hook one up to our skimmer this winter to combat the same issue and it has definitely helped. It can be built out of stuff laying around the house most of the time and just put in some granular sodalime to scrub the CO2 out of the air. Let me know if you want to come look at ours. It's really simple.
i might do that doing a 20% water change now anyway u can take a pic of it? oh and al the corals are doing fine other than the leather just yetserday started turning white and wont open now. before he was open all the time. hope i dont loose this 1. it was 1 of my favs.
The leathers do that from time to time. It may stay that way for a while then open back up. If it doesn't make it for some reason we have another one for you.

I will put up a pic of our co2 scrubber in a moment.
Here are some shots. I made this quick and easy from some cylinders I got from TAP, a fitting from the home store and an old pair of nylons that Becca donated to the cause but you could rig something up with just about anything. The skimmer just need to suck it's air through it.


Umm.... I would very much like to know the same, and how you made it. Cause my ph is dropping to. And the tank is in my kitchen. I try to leave the ceiling fan on as to circulate the co2 and o2 around in my house. I've also done wc with premixed water, but I only did that once cause my sg was down. But weird thing is when I did that my ph came up slightly and dropped back down again

HTC tapatalk