Smart Bass
Rick, is that last one a closeup/blowup of Lordi?
Rick, is that last one a closeup/blowup of Lordi?
lost with the tutorial you made on RC.
I'm having some serious color issues that I can't figure out. These pictures do not look anywhere near as nice as the jpegs that I'm uploading from my comp. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon
wwoouu good job Dang!!
Rick took the pic with my camera,,i couldn't take the credit for that,,he's the pro,,switch from cannon to nikon in mins then here come great pics at no time.
Ok, I actually figured it out. It turns out that browsers don't support AdobeRBG (the color space I made the pictures in) so I have to convert everything to sRGB. Here is what I was seeing, notice the difference in the monti cap?