I think I found out what Krish does in his spare time.

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I hardly ever visit the water fountain much anymore, but that video almost killed me:lol: :lol: :lol: That's insane!!!:lol:
LMBO!!! :lol:
Krish i swear i didn't tell him you were practicing for the return of the ninja... he just found out on his own :lol: :lol:
OMG!!!! where do you find these things Brian????? that guy with the afro that attemted a flip just about floored me!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!! where do you find these things Brian????? that guy with the afro that attemted a flip just about floored me!!!!!!!!

naww the guy that was trying to break the brick/wood watever was better :D :lol: .
I just watched it again and it still cracks me up. I guess they were auditioning for a movie?
I guess they were auditioning for a movie?

i told you Krish wanted to make a movie called the return of the ninja :p.

Nickelodeon you're missing it or ... you're one of the guys in the video but you don't wanna tell :lol: