ID Please - Aptasia?

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Oct 24, 2006
Kirkland, WA
The brown guy on the right, behind the 8" anemoe....

I'm guessing I've got the dreaded A-word. :mad:
(How do you pronounce it anyways? "apt-Asia"?) :confused:

Initally I thought it might be a goodie...he's healthy, a full 2" across...but then I saw 3 smaller ones on the other side of the rock....:doubt:

Now I'm pretty sure he's a baddie. (I'd like to pull the whole rock out and cook it, because I only see 1 other tiny one in the rest of the tank--but it's one big hunk and I doubt that the anenome (nor the clowns) would like me very much if I did... I guess it's hotwater, Kalk, lime, Joe'sJuice for me...:evil:

I hit about 6 of the big buggers with some boiling freshwater!:evil:
A few just dissolved outright and the rest turned dark purple, and now they won't retract when you poke them, so if they aren't dead yet--hopefully they're mortally injured. :)
But there's 2 more hanging out underneath a ledge, that I can't quite reach.... I may have to do some new aquascaping to get those guys!
They can wait til tomorrow...

(Should have seen the look on my wife's face :eek: when she asked why I was putting a kettle on...."well, you see that brown guy over there, I going to jab him with this here turkey baster and shoot hot H2O right into his gut!") :D
the rest turned dark purple, and now they won't retract when you poke them
Never heard of that. All mine instantly dissolved. Was your water hot enough?
It was on a full boil.

But I was also running 2 PH in the area at that time, and I think I may have pulled too much tank water back into the baster after the initial squirt...
so the heat may have dipersed too quickly.....

(They got a 2nd dose of hot H2O last night--many more dissolved outright--but 2 biggest ones turned purple and limp again....)

I'll check them again when I get home tonight--I just found a box of Joe's juice in my stash...I may have to do some more "weeding" this weekend!
If you kill them in the tank, be carefull to remove all fragments.
My lfs told me that aiptasia can regenerate asexually and each
piece of the animal left in the tank can grow into a new one.
This can be especially bad if they are floating around.

A rock with 3 varieties of nice corals at my lfs had aiptasia so it was
cheap. I bought it and removed the aiptasia with sodium hydroxide (lye).
Weary of a syringe with a sharp needle, I obtained a 3cc monoject oral
syringe with a catheter from a local chemistry teacher. The monoject oral
syringes are made so they will not accept a needle. She also gave
me 25 ml of 2 molar sodium hydroxide.
This method can be used in or out of tank and it worked like a champ.

Here are links to a description of the method.

and a syringe similar to the one I used but with a curved tip.
manjano anemone

will this also work on the manjano anemone? i use the kalk with water they dissapear for the most part then some reappear all over again. thanks