I'll Be a Dad in 8 Weeks!!

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do you have your baby baggie ready to go dood :D ?
i agree with Krish :D your new quote should be....sleep is for wimps :lol: .
Your days are numbered and so are your hours of sleep

At least for the first 3 months. By then, a routine should be established (for baby and parents) and the baby should be getting a full nights sleep. (famous last words) :)
At least for the first 3 months. By then, a routine should be established (for baby and parents) and the baby should be getting a full nights sleep. (famous last words)

i hate to say this dood, but that's not true or at least not in my case 1 1/2 years ......yeah that's right 1 1/2 years :cry:
for me of no sleep, being a cow, a pacifier, they have been used as punching bags :confused::lol: and what not :eek::cry::lol:.

no seriously my boy was so so good about sleeping through the night after he turned 3 months.....now this girl....that's a different story dood and don't put a bottle in front of her at 3 in the morning because it'll likely end up right on your face....trust me :shock::lol:
sorry to hear that..all of my 3 kids were sleeping thru out the night around 3-4 months..then comes teething around 9 months and then the fun begins all over again.

sorry to hear that..all of my 3 kids were sleeping thru out the night around 3-4 months..then comes teething around 9 months and then the fun begins all over again.

LMAO!! :lol: aaahh teething ...it's awesome :lol:

FWIW, here is a trick we used on our kids especially our daughters.

You might want to try putting toast in the freezer. Yup, you heard me right, toast in the freezer. The coldness of the toast numbs the teeth and the toast soothes the cutting of the teeth. If this does not work, then by all means, Orajel is your friend. But remember to only treat the effected areas and not just squirt it into the mouth. There have been cases where parents having given too much and it has numb the windpipe causing the child not to breath.

You might want to try putting toast in the freezer. Yup, you heard me right, toast in the freezer. The coldness of the toast numbs the teeth and the toast soothes the cutting of the teeth. If this does not work, then by all means, Orajel is your friend. But remember to only treat the effected areas and not just squirt it into the mouth. There have been cases where parents having given too much and it has numb the windpipe causing the child not to breath.

dood i'm gonna give that a try, sounds like a great idea :)
I will admit it. I am a Dad that occassionally reads Parenting magazine. You can get some cool tips from it. :)
cool!! thanks for the advice.. i have no education in those subjects yet!! any tips are greatly appreciated!:D
LOL!!! The teething stage!!! Emily had 3 teeth come out one time. It was not fun!!! :shock: :lol: About the sleeping...Try not to get them use to your bed. They will never go in their own (LOL). :p

I feel ya pain. Our youngest daughter who will be 2yrs in May, finally has all her teeth in. She was a preemie and definitely a late bloomer who has some catching up to do.


I just thought of another piece of advice. Know the symptoms of postpartum depression.


My wife suffered this in our first child (who was eventually diagnosed with PVL and cerebral palsy) and she was very very mean and angry all the time towards me (and life in general); she also had trouble making decisions. It lasted for about 3 months. So if your wife decides to rip your head off one day for no apparent reason--think postpartum.

So if your wife decides to rip your head off one day for no apparent reason--think postpartum.

LMAO!! :lol: :lol: ...i can see Ron running away and Kimmy with a huge chain saw trying to get him :eek::lol:.

yeah post partum drepession sounds awful :( and yes don't make the same mistake i made.. don't let the baby sleep in your bed.....seriously or he/she'll be sleeping with you for years :eek::lol:, my 4 year old still sleeps with us and now our 1 1/2 girl :eek:....i sleep flying :lol:
well i have about 13 days left!!! we are counting them down.. hopefully we don't go past the due date!
LOL!!! I think you should be more concerned about is if the baby is yours :lol: Joking...Sounds good man! Make sure get some pics and let us know when it all goes down :)