I'm back...34g solana rimless cube

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It's a clam party...

New Crocea clams and updated pics...



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Looking good!! hey I ordered an extra piece of the german blue polyp from shark reef thinking you might want it . Let me know
I guess so. I got a Pm from Eric saying that the frags I ordered would be in this week. So I guess we'll see
lot of cool stuffs

:)wow!!that's preeeeety cool stuffs you got there,,i can't wait to see when is grow out ,,so far it looking great,,keep it up Jason,,good job.:)
So I got bored with the tank and decided to re-aquascape and keep what livestock I had. I also did a trade and acquired some nice medum sized colonies to help fill out the tank a bit. I ended up loosing about 15 lbs of l/r with the new aquascape but love the depth it provides now. I also ordered up a vortech mp20 so I'll do away with all the powerheads and get more of a wave effect. Here are some pictures of the new tank.:)