So i'm here is a thread to see how creative you guys can get. Post up some ideas you have for DIY, Projects, Reef tank designs, anything really related to hobby....I just want to be amused LOL and who knows maybe some really good ideas will come of this and cause a subject of conversation.
I'll start.
I was just told about a FOWLR tank installed in an globe rated sail boat. The tank was fully enclosed and all livestock had to be placed into a "loading" zone where they would then travel through a tub before finding their way into the display tank. This is how all stocking was done.
I'll start.
I was just told about a FOWLR tank installed in an globe rated sail boat. The tank was fully enclosed and all livestock had to be placed into a "loading" zone where they would then travel through a tub before finding their way into the display tank. This is how all stocking was done.