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Hi Timberwolf, I'm probaqbly just a few weeks in front of you, changing from a fish only to a reef, with some cherished, but not reef safe 'friends'. I had a Picasso Trigger which is very definitely not safe, so I had him in a second tank until I could find a good home for him. He went yesterday. I've had him for several years and he was a real character. The decision to move him on was a really difficult decision, but probably for the best as he was starting to outgrow my 55gal.

My new project reef is about 3 weeks in, new live rock, new substrate, new skimmer, new lights ..... Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate all doing very well, the calcium is now getting to reef level and I'm bringing up the alkalinity too.

At the moment I'm testing every day, but one the tank settles down that will go out to once a week or so.

Good to hear that there are other folks around going through the same worries and stresses. The advice here is good and the folks seam real friendly and helpful - BIG THANK YOU guys.

Good luck with your tank, hope to hear more of your successes in the coming months