Internet hell!!!

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snobanker said:
16K :shock: well with that speed you'll have time to bring in firewood, make wooden wheel, and hunt a sabre tooth for a new suit while you download Mike :D
LMAO Stan; that's hilarious.

Mike, you'd probably have time for a frame or two of clam bowling in between pages loading. :D

Sorry about the dial up though...really. I just can't imagine going back to dial up - I'd rather send smoke signals.
mojoreef said:
Ok ok I am taking names now....Hmmmm Nikki your on top of the list..let me search my photo library for ya, hehehe

Hey! What'd I do!!!???

:p :lol: :D
I don't know Nikki, but you time is limited to make up for it till he gets the modem... Then I think the pictures will be speeding through cyberspace:lol:
Hey MOJO, wanted to share some pics with ya, lol

PS Hope it dont take to long to DL with your modem :evil: :evil:
Just an update.....Mike is still waiting for his modem.

(*watches the tumbleweeds roll by*) :)
Ok I am back, turns out verizone sent the modem out last week via fedex. I told them I didnt recieve it and they told me they dropped it off in my garage??? hmmm I told them I dont have a garage?? anyway after searching the neighbors and so on I found the box on the step of my old 5th wheel down the road....nice.

Anyway off to look at the 63 pm's and 94 emails?????

Mike, You have my sympathies....

We just bought a house and moved out of our apartment. The phone issues have been legendary in the 2 weeks since we've been here.

My cell phone doesnt get reception in the house unless I'm wearing a tinfoil hat, have the refrigerator door open, and I'm standing on one leg. If one of the dogs comes over and tries to see what I'm doing, its bio-electric field throws everything out of whack and I get nothing.

Rocio is no longer stuck to a contract with Cingular, so she went out and got new service with Verizon. She gets cell phone service anywhere, anytime, no matter what. Verizon's customer service is excellent.

After two days of this I called Cingular and complained. I explained my situation and stated I only had two months left on my contract, could they please just lett me out of it early. A genius in Texas s-l-o-w-l-y and condescendingly explained to me that I had service, it said so on the map, besides, how were we talking? I explained I wasnt currently at my home, and that he was welcome to come to my house and see how accurate the map was in relation to my cell phone reception. I requested that they do the right thing and let me out of my contract. I explained that it was nothing personal, I just wanted to be able to use the phone I was paying for, especially since the home phone would not be hooked up for another week and a half. I explained that he could release me from my contract early and I would say great things about their customer service to anyone who asked.....
He could keep my contract in effect and I would tell EVERYONE I met how bad Cingular was. I also explained that I was a police officer and had no way of contacting my department currently or being contacted by my department due to the reception issues.

He semi-politely told me to go to hell.
Cingular's customer service is terrible

The home phone was hooked up a week after that.
Cingular's customer service is terrible
Two days after the home phone was hooked up, it went out. The absolute soonest a technician could get things looked at was a week away. I was skeptical that it would take so long, but the computer that answered phone line issues was adamant.
Cingular's customer service is terrible
No phone means no internet. I was able to occasionally, (when we were slow) connect to the internet while at work in the car. I dont like to do this since its r-e-a-l-l-y-s-l-o-w at 15k a second, but I was able to see that things were filling up in my email inbox. Then, they took internet out of the cars. It seems like one person was looking at things he/she should not have been looking at while at work. Yay for our side.........
Cingular's customer service is terrible

The home phone got fixed.......finally.
Still no internet.
This morning, after pulling a very long boring 12 hour shift, and then going to the pistol range for qualifications, (no sleep since the day before around 12 pm when the plumber came over to destroy my house...uh, fix a leak.) I was able to contact SBC's DSL India. Who explained that according to the computer, I had internet service right now.
Cingular's customer service is terrible
Fighting a horrible bout with deja vu, I explained I didnt currently have internet available, despite what the computer said.
We talked for a few days...uh hours...he ran through his list of idiot errors in hooking up internet and I followed all of his requests....still no internet.
Cingular's customer service is terrible
He agreed that something was indeed wrong. I was stunned that he acknowledged a problem existed.
He set up a trouble ticket, and said I would be contacted in 24 hours by "expert technicians" who would be able to fix my internet woes.
Doubtful of his claims, I went to sleep and managed to catch 3.5 hours of sleep. I was woken up by the phone ringing. It was one of the "expert technicians" calling to tel me that my DSL should be up and running. It was.
SBC's DSL customer service is excellent.
Cingular's customer service is terrible

I now have to wade through 6 bazillion emails in my inbox.

But at least I have internet again.

What gave you that idea Charlie?

Cingular's customer service is terrible

My cell phone doesnt get reception in the house unless I'm wearing a tinfoil hat, have the refrigerator door open, and I'm standing on one leg. If one of the dogs comes over and tries to see what I'm doing, its bio-electric field throws everything out of whack and I get nothing.

LOL !!! to bad i was not there to take a picture :(
but can you hear me now? good :lol: :lol:
Nick - are you whining again???? ROFL - too bad I didn't get a pic of you with the Aluminum Foil Hat, that would have been priceless. BTW - I think when you went to get the donuts at the gas station, you should have taken the foil hat off your head. People were looking at you funny. :lol:
Alright Nikki,
Thats two donut jokes in a row....
payback's gonna suck....


lol !! ohh Nikki, you are suppose to take pictures and notes of things like this and then post it, you know how it goes :lol:
maxx said:
Alright Nikki,
Thats two donut jokes in a row....
payback's gonna suck....



Two??? - I thought it was just one???? OHHHHH!!!! You're talking about when I shouted out my car window about you picking out some donuts, while you walked into the gas station in uniform. :D. I doubt its the 15K that slowed you down at's probably just because you can't type with one hand on a donut and the other on the keyboard. ROFL - you know I'm kidding :D!!! Just don't ever get out of the car to write a citation when you have powder sugar on your face.