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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2009
Hansville, WA
Well this is going to be a slow build.
I picked this tank up a few months ago. Yeah, believe it or not, its not set up yet.
Anyway, I wanted to be safe and had a guy come out yesterday and add support under my house for it. I still need to repaint the stand. I'm not doing anything fancy, sorry! Its getting repainted semi-gloss black. I also need to get the tank outside to fill it up and make sure it is sound before filling it up in my living room. So, I need to wait for a nice weekend. And someone to help me move it. I am also putting 3/4" sheet of plywood and a sheet of foam on the stand to set the tank on. Is there a certain type of foam I should use?

The tank is 6' x 2' x 2'. The back and both sides are black. There is a dual overflow on the right side.
There are seven holes drilled across the top back for 1" bulkheads, two holes drilled for 2" bulheads, one hole at bottom center of the back for a 1" bulkhead and one hole for a 3/4" bulkhead at the bottom left corner of the back.
The one on the bottom left corner will be used for draining for water changes.
The two large holes for 2" bulkheads are the exhaust for the closed loop.
I am planning on using 5 of the holes up top and the one hole bottom center for the closed loop.
Then the last two up top for returns from the sump.

I am wondering, on the closed loop, should I put a union and a ball valve on each of the 6 returns? Thinking about it, I dont think that is really necessary, but if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
I am putting one on both the intake line and return line just off the pump so I can get the pump off the system. The pump I have is a reeflow dart 3500 I believe. I'll post a pick of it later.

I have planned to use an eheim 1262 pump for return pump. I'm thinking I might need a larger pump though. I have a UV sterilizer that I was thinking about hooking up to it. Along with a reactor for carbon and one for phosban.

Anyway, here is the tank and stand. It needs to be cleaned. It has silicone around every hole that needs to be cleaned off. And some sand and crap that I need to vacuum out.



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Nice Lorrie! Already drilled too!! Looking forward to seeing what you do with this thing. Good luck! :)
Very nice Lorrie, and by saying "Well this is going to be a slow build" are you talking Todd/Alex slow or just normal people slow :rolleyes:

I would keep one more (2 total) holes for the intake of the closed-loop, always safer to not have any posible restrictions on a pump. Gina and I will be over your way this coming weekend and I could give you a hand with moving the tank, weather permitting. Anyhow, congrats on another new reeftank and will definitely follow along with build.

Cheers, Todd
HAHAHA...unfortunatly I think its going to be slower than Todd slow, but hopefully faster than Alex slow.LOL!!!

Yes there are two, I believe I listed two 2" bulkheads from the tank to the pump intake on the closed loop. You can see one hole in the pics. The second one is right below it.
I dont know if it will be ready to go out and fill it up yet this weekend. I have a lot of silicone to scrape off yet. I'm not sure if I have plugs for the 2" bulk heads yet either. They didnt have them at home depot last weekend. Give me a couple more weeks. I'll let you konw though in case I do get it cleaned up by this weekend. hmmm, maybe I should get started on that!

I need to cut holes in the top of the stand too for the overflow lines.
Thats no problem. I have a drill and a big hole saw blade.
*lol* Congrats on the new larger tank. I can't wait to see it progress through to become a super nice reef tank Lorrie. Are you keeping any of your other tanks up or will you be consolidating them? And yes, I admit I am taking it way to slow on my build. Seems with building my first furniture grade piece is taking longer than expected. :lol:

Seems with building my first furniture grade piece is taking longer than expected. :lol:


Just as well, it will be worth the time and work. Its a beautiful piece.

I don't have that kind of enthusiasm to do a build as nice as yours.
Lorie. Do you really need another tank???? LOL
This is great to see another large build start from the ground up. Remember this is not a race to see how fast you can finish the build ( Todd,, Alex). But we all expect to see life in there within the next ... say.... 12mos.??????

Of course you know we will expect lots of pic and updates as the come up.

Looking forward to see you create a very nice reef.
Actually when this one goes up three of the others are coming down. The 55 will stay up for QT for a while, but the 54 corner tank and the 34 RSM will be coming down.
That will leave me with three on the larger side tanks and my little pico. Oh...I will not longer be a member of the nano club....:( oh well!
I found the perfect tank for my sump. I was thinking about using my 55 for the sump, but it is just too tall. I found an AGA, 36" x 18" x 17". I need to decide how I am going to seperate the areas for a refugium and return section. Well, I know how, just need to work up the design. The refugium is going to be a small section I think.

I have an ATI 250 Bubble Master skimmer. Ordered a new Sicce PSK-1000 pump for it.

Here is the pump for the closed loop too.

I'm piecing this together, slowly but surely.


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Just a thought.
Why not use the 55 for the fuge and plumb it to empty into the 40 br that will house the return pump and skimmer. More volume for the fuge that way
That would be ideal, but I dont have that much space. I might be able to get my 20 long in there with the 47. I could also set up my 25 tall next to it for a refugium and plum it in. I kinda like that idea. Besides, I am keeping the 55 for QT.
My main thought was that the 47 wouldnt give very much volume for your fuge with the return and skimmer in there.
Your right, it wouldnt be. I think one of the other tanks will be incorporated one way or another.
After running the smaller tanks and thinking you need more room under it for a sump, Did you ever imagine you would have that problem with a 6 FOOT X 2 FOOT tank????? LOL
I knew that because of the size of the tank, the sump/refug needed to be on the larger size to handle overflow. I suppose if I had something custom made, it would work better, but I can work with what I have for a LOT less $.