is it ethical to keep fish?

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even with ocean temps coral reefs may shut down pertialy, but their are some corals that do survive in warmer temps. and if it happens and corals perform a mass spawning ritual the zygoted gametes can always reseatle were the ocean temp is now 78-80......right? just a theory.
I think the bigger worry would be that the ocean temp is rising........
This could also be a good reason to propagate corals in a controlled environment :) Being former hunter living in the northeast, I remember as a child, that it was a big deal to see a wild turkey, now because of the restocking program, I have turkey poop in my driveway all the time. They just look at me as if they're saying," Paybacks a b1tch. LOL. I love it though.:D
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spot on..... with out even reading the hole post i cant say i understand fully.

Ive beat my self up pretty hard some times.. with things like that, I often ponder the thought if im on the right path or not...

when it comes 2 this simple question.. that you would ask your self.

(and the qestion really is "im i right?")

i put it like this.... It is my job to save these "people" liveing in my tank (dont get funny people)
if we wouldnt have infected this world (and every thing we touch) would they have bin truly better off with out. Or is it just that if we wouldnt have, it might have not gotten this far...

it funny gary.... outta 8billion, i say where less then a half a billion strong
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