is my setosa dying?

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
i notice my setosa today that it has a big receded/bleached part in the midd;le area not on the base...some flesh is coming off like tearing away.....all other sps are fine...i had it very high up the tank blasted with light...i run 2x250w mh with 4x54 t5's..i havent check my water parameters and i will do that tomorrow...i put it in a frag rack a bit away from too much light...
will take pics tomorrow...
all advice/info will help

Yeah, check your water parameters to make sure everything's good. Is this new to your tank? If so it may simply be that you had it under too much light. What kind on water flow did it have around it? Anyway, keep it on the frag rack and watch it. If it continues to recede I'd frag as much as you can and start again.
My guess is that it received too much light too quickly. Move it lower and slowly bring it up higher. It can take very high lighting but may need to be acclimated to it depending on the light intensity it came from.

i grew this setosa from a small frag...its been in my tank forever(grow very slow)...mmmhhhh i might check and dip it because i received a small frag of monti that died and after it died it has a bunch of monti eating nudi....though i checked all my monti after that and everything is clear...until up to now....monti caps are fine and great which i thought that they come after first...
a very small portion of flesh teared away though looks like it got burned or something...and the rest is receded

ill keep everyone updated....ill check water today and dip the setosa...and post pics...

thanks for the replies....
I moved a frag up high, within a couple days looks like it was dying. I have my setosa colony at the bottom under 250w radium.
I recently had some monti eating nudi's and the mela-fix was useless for a dip. It only took one or two adults off despite vigorous shaking, and none of the babies fell off. I decided to just cover them all in super glue and hope for the best. I highly recommend removing the coral from the tank and inspecting it under some really good light to see whats on there.

M.E.N typically consume the polyps from the bottom up due to hiding and reproducing underneath. My bet if it is one spot with tissue dying off, is something burned it as in it got stung by other tissue attached or broken off, or zapped with some chemicals like salt flakes or the like...

As to how to eradicate them, very difficult. Takes blasting them off and picking them off plus brushing. Some find strong lugols will help but pretty much anything that kills the M.E.N, damages the coral.
i dont really see any M.E.N....i think it got burned or got stung by some chemicals...
ill keep u guys posted

thanks for all the infos and possibilities:)
i grew this setosa from a small frag...its been in my tank forever(grow very slow)...mmmhhhh i might check and dip it because i received a small frag of monti that died and after it died it has a bunch of monti eating nudi....though i checked all my monti after that and everything is clear...until up to now....monti caps are fine and great which i thought that they come after first...
a very small portion of flesh teared away though looks like it got burned or something...and the rest is receded

ill keep everyone updated....ill check water today and dip the setosa...and post pics...

thanks for the replies....

gotta dip it metafix very strong,for 1 min,watch ,,,they will jump out,,good luck
also remember charisse that there could be many factors when it comes to possible die off on SPS dont rush into to many things at once, one solution at a time until it stops and if all seems lost then cut your losses and frag that sucker
you know my setosa just did the exact same thing was doing fine high up under 400watt reeflux bulbs and yesterday noticed it was bleached in the tips and today its all white. Havent had a alk swing stays steady at 9.5 dkh for me. Only thing i can think of is maybe when i dosed some alk it got blasted from my returns.
oh yeah i dose manually,maybe alk got into it from the return....i have the setosa near where the return is(locline?).....i have it in the frag rack now and hope for the best...i dipped and no monti eating nudi...
totally off subject sorry in advance luisse25 but ? for setosa keepers has anybody got green patches on yours?

I only see the Green patches under the Vho's not MH.