is there such a thing as TOO MUCH KH?

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Jan 2, 2007
I know that "adequate" KH is between 8-12dKH, but is 13-15dKH too high? and i'm not to cleer on how reef tanks use KH, other than to stabilize PH. Can anyone enlighten me?
Yes, you can have "too much of a good thing."

(I'm a newbie too, so many more knowledge people will chime in too....)

But the simple explanation that I have heard is the "marbles in the bucket" analogy:
Think of the your ALK (KH) and CA (calcium) ions as different colored marbles(white/black, yellow/green, whatever...) sitting in a bucket.

Your bucket can only hold so many marbles at a time...
so if you have alot of 1 color, then there's not enough room left in the bucket for the other kind...

In your case, too much ALK--means it's harder to keep a good level of calcuim in your tank.
And calcium is what keeps corals (skeletons) growing!

There'a ton of information on this board about all aspects of reef-keeping,
here's some links that deal with water chemisty (look to the middle of the list...)

(Or check out the "stickys" in the new-to-reef-keeping forum...)

Welcome to RF!:)
Actually CaCO3 depositing organisms can't utilize Ca++ above 360 ppm so anything between that and 420 ppm is just fine. Personally I stick to about 400 ppm. Cuts down on heat precip with pumps and the like.
Actually CaCO3 depositing organisms can't utilize Ca++ above 360 ppm so anything between that and 420 ppm is just fine. Personally I stick to about 400 ppm. Cuts down on heat precip with pumps and the like.

Agreed. Right down the middle is a safe target level. Allows for a margin of error.

no one seems to know how to lower alkalinity w/out lowering calcium also! can anyone help me out?
I know that "adequate" KH is between 8-12dKH, but is 13-15dKH too high? and i'm not to cleer on how reef tanks use KH, other than to stabilize PH. Can anyone enlighten me?
Another potential problem with running the alk too high is that I believe you are more likely to get precipitation on heat-producing items such as heaters and the insides of pumps.
no one seems to know how to lower alkalinity w/out lowering calcium also! can anyone help me out?

If you want to lower just your ALK chemically, it can require some nasty chemicals, and is generally not advised.

"dilution is the solution" = water changes, water changes, water changes.
(with fresh, balanced salt mix)

Here's one of Randy's helpful articles:

(You were in a Zone1 situation--you may want to retest your water, if your CA levels have fallen, then you maybe be in a Zone3 situation now...)
"dilution is the solution" = water changes, water changes, water changes.
(with fresh, balanced salt mix)
This is the absolute best solution. Balance your saltmix before you use it and the do a series of water changes. Do not try to chemically alter the alkalinity.
You want to lower your dkh slowly also, don't try to do it overnite. You didn't say exactly what yours was. Also if you are doing it with water changes make sure the salt mix is balanced and not high in alk to begin with, like say Oceanic saltmix which if it hasn't changed well be really off the charts on alk levels. I would not do anywater changes for awhile and let the levels drop with time and try to get the calc. level more in line with the alk, which well happen as the alk levels drop and you add calc supplement. There are a lot of people that run high levels but they are in balance with each other. I tend to run more towards natural sw levels, but balance is the key. Most salt mixes are pretty high in alk and I would just let them drop with time. What is your alk level? Also feed sparingly while you let the alk level drop, You should see a descent drop in a few weeks if your not sky high.
thanks for all the advice, i stopped doing such frequent water changes and kept adding calcium, and i'm at 12dkh and 400calcium :)