Elegance has been on the no buy list for about three years. It appears that a type of bacteria was infecting them after gathering and while in holding areas to be shipped. They only last about a month, but if shipped soon, look healthy at the LFS. Then the tentacles shrink and the body swells and they soon perish. It also was believed that if you have an infected one it will taint your system and even if you replace it with a healthy one, it will also get sick and die. This is along my lines as I had one for almost four years. I added another and it died. About two months later my long term one became sick and died. So if your LFS is getting a supply and even gets a healthy one, placing it into a system that had diseased ones will bring on its demise. If you were able to get one that was kept in an isolated tank for a few months and was still healthy I might chance buying that one. Although if you had a sick one in your tank even months ago, I would avoid it as it might still get diseased.
Along the other lines, except for this disease, they are hardy fairly easy to care for corals. And yes...extremely beautiful.