Jakes Project 90

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Well-known member
May 3, 2005
Medical Lake Wa.
I know I've been away awhile, but now I'm ready to start on my next project. Its a used 90gl AGA w/corner overflow stand and canopy. Starting on the stand/canopy first, I didn't like the original stain(golden oak) and wanted it to match my existing furniture in the house, so I stripped it all down and refinished a darker color. I'll start working on cleaning the tank and resealing the overflow next, then after that I will work on cleaning up some of the equipment I've been acquiring. Still need to get a few things ie. a sump, another pump and a few other things. I would like to get everything cleaned, dry fitted and in working order before I have to leave for the desert in Nov. When I get back I will fill er up and start stocking..Hopefully :) Heres a few pics of the stannd/canopy :)







I definately like the new stain better! I also like the upper lip on the stand, did you add that or did it come that way?

So where are you going in the desert? I'm about halfway done with my tour right now and I hope to be back home by Christmas.
Couple more pics, cleaned up the tank and skimmer. Still need to reseal the overflow. Also got a 20g long for the sump, will work on putting the dividers in in the next couple days. Will have to cut an access panel in the back of the stand to get the sump in.



That looks awesome Jake! I got it in my head that I needed to sand and restain my cherry stand in the spare room. You have my deepest sympathies! What a project that turns into but yours really turned out fantastic!

I hope you have a very speedy trip. One of my customers regularly shops by phone with her husband who is currently over in the sand box. He's really enjoyed researching corals and what not by pictures, it seems.

Thanx everybody :)
Bojangles I'm going over to Al U Deid

Thats not a bad place to be. I mean there are alot worse places. You have alot less restrictions than I do here. I'm about 50 days out now and I cant wait to get home and start working on my new tank :)
Little bit of an update...I've only been able to work on the tank a couple hours during the weekend, so its kinda taking some time:( But I got the overflow resealed and water tested the tank, so that was good. I painted the back with metallic black instead of just gloss black, just to be different :) I cut the access door in the back of the stand so I could fit the sump in there. Right now its hinged back on, haven't decided if I want to leave it on or have it open in the back. Was able to pick up a used mag9.5 for my return pump(thanx moortim):) I mounted the halides up in the canopy but haven't had a chance to get the vho's up there yet, need to rewire them to the workhorse7 that I have. Also was able to install a shelf inside the stand to hold the ballasts, I want as much equipment outta site as possible:) Still want to get a few more equipment items befor I leave...ie... seaswirl for the return a couple new fans for the canopy and maybe a couple Koralia3's. Enough rambling, here's a few pics:)





couple shots with the mh's on(2-250w 10k's)


Looking good, really like the new stain.

While Sid is right that leaving the back open could help with cooling another thing to consider is that condensation will likely build up on the wall and damage the texture and sheetrock. With my old set up I had a small leak if the tank was filled right to the top rim, so usually I just kept the water level below that spot. But one day my HOB overflow got some air into it which reduced the amount of water being pulled out of the tank so the water level rose in the tank while I was at work so the leaky spot dripped water onto the stand which then puddled until it reached the wall and ran down. I fixed everything when I got home and thought it was not too bad (considering the floods I have heard about, I probably only had about a cup of water that leaked out). But a few days later I noticed the texture on the wall had melted! Apparently the moisture worked its way under the paint and dissolved the texture.

Just thought I would throw this experience out there for your consideration.
I will probably end up leaving the back on. Theres already two 4" in openings in the back for wires etc. and I'll have a fan in there to keep things cool and aired out, so I should be good :)
Just a few more pics. Finally got the 2x110w vho's wired up and installed, and got my power center mounted under the stand. Might need to get one more so I dont have to have everything on one unit. The first couple pics are just the vho's and then with the halides on also:) Last pic is just a shot inside the stand. Theres no back on the canopy so its kinda bright even tho I covered it with a sheet :)





Quick update, no pics :( My little trip to the sand was cancelled so I will be back working on the tank when I can. Anyone good with plumbing:rolleyes:
Small equipment update, sorry no water yet:oops:. Built the back for the canopy and cut out for the 3/4 seaswirl. Installed the two Aqualight canopy fans I got from Fish.com, awesome deal at $15 ea. Made a little stand/shelf to house the ballasts and for the two 8 switch on/off powercenters. Also put in a utility sink out in the garage and hooked up the ro/di unit for the storage barrel. Just a little more modifications to the sump and I should be ready for water soon...I hope:)







Thanx Charlie, I'm hoping I get there soon. Its kinda like a tank on a budget, I do a little here and there when I can :)