January Meeting ?

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I know, a little overboard on the testing. I just know that Devon avoids clicking, so thought he might have missed these. :) Two birds with one stone . . .

Ah, that's a Naso - I was wondering what kind of tang that was. You know, I think he has a look about him like "Doh, I just got caught!"
He is the "old man of the tank" Kim, he can have any look he wants:):). He is a Blonde Naso, and he is the mellowest thing on Gods green earth, I have never ever seen anyone mess with him or him mess with anybody else. He eats caulerpa like a little kid eats spaghetti, starts at one end and doesn't stop until it is gone. Thanx for the great pic of him.
What lens were you using?
Awww . . . he's just a sweet old man, then. I was using the Canon 50mm macro. It seems to be working out pretty well for me. You want an enlargement of anything for you wall?
You bet - I think I have a couple more photos of your finny friends that you might like too.
I don't suppose you have the original photos do you. I used to keep all the originals, but I don't anymore, I just resize them and keep those. I have more pics of that emperor than you can shake a stick at, from the time he went into the tank until now. I know it is kind of fun to look back to when he was hidden underneath the rocks in total terror every time the Naso swam by.
Yes, I do have all of the originals, and in RAW format too, which is pretty much all I shoot in. The colors are so much truer with all of that extra data in RAW. Then I "save as" a JPEG if I want to do anything with them so I have both.
What size is the RAW format??? I wish I had taken a little bit of time Saturday and talked to you about that. I have never shot in that format, and would like to try a few just to see what they are like. Sounds like I need to do some reading. I haven't looked for that on elements 7, do they have a special way of getting those from the camera too?
They're quite a bit bigger. I looked, and the angel picture for example, is 8.44 mb in JPEG, vs 15.8 mb in RAW format. I use Photoshop Elements 8, and it has the Adobe Raw Converter in it that opens and allows you to adjust settings like exposure, contrast, color temp (this is a huge deal when shooting fish tanks), etc. The extension for a RAW Canon picture is .CR2. After I adjust stuff, then I just "save as" a JPEG and then resize it for the web if I'm sharing it. I will show you how to shoot one from start to finish if you want to try it.
Well heck yeah, I'll bring my laptop down to the meeting, it has elements 7 on it. I have been looking in there but I can't see where I can download the Raw files. I will do a little more searching around
Kim, I found what I was looking for about RAW files, and I think I can get thru it. I have been playing around most of the morning, just waiting for the halides to come on :):). If I have any questions I will get in touch thru here and maybe we can figure this out. Thanx for the help so far.