Jbj nano cube 28 gal

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I've never tested for iron etc. Is there any livestock in the tank now? If not, you may want to toss in either a raw shrimp or something to feed the bacteria in your rock or you could wait it out a few days and test your ammonia levels seeing you said you used cured liverock. If this is so, you may be fine to toss in your first fish or two. The bacteria in your rock will need to be fed so if the rock isn't experiencing any die-off due to it actually being cured then I'd add your first fish or two like I mentioned to help keep the bacteria going granted your tests come back reading zero ammonia and nitrite after a few days. :)

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Ok so ammonia is 0 ppm, ph is 8.0, alkalinity / hardness is 196.9 ppm, calcium is 500 ppm, nitrate is 0.0 ppm, getting a nitrite, and magnesium test kit tomorrow. ? Should I be concerned that my alk is so high?

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The tank was just set up so I wouldn't worry too much. This is the time where you learn about your tank and what changes/ adjustments need to be made. This is why I suggested to hold off on corals etc. You have to give the tank time to set up and for you to fine tune everything. Once you get your nitrite kit, let us know what readings you get. :)

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Yeah there is nothing live in The tank, other than a hitch hiker. I think its a feather duster. I'll try to get a pic of him. It's super small. About 1/4 th the size of my pinkie nail.

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I think I'm going to toss some of my dried brine shrimp that I feed to my puffer would that work or does it need to be fresh food? Oh I also found the flakes I used for my fancy guppie farm. I'll measure the flow tonight. The little nano shimmer I bought seems to be doing its job. I've had to empty it like 6 times already. But I'm still fine tuning it. I'm wondering if there is a better micro bubble stone I can use other than the wood block it came with. I'll check some diy forum.

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Ok still need to get a mag test. But nitrite is 0ppm. Could I toss in some dried baby shrimp or freeze dried blood worms to feed the bacteria in The tank. Or should I stick to the raw shrimp. And in that case how much. And should I shred it

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I'm guessing I've got my nano skimmer tuned in. Much appreciated Mojoreef for the very informative diy skimmer thread you Did. I've come to the conclusion that many of you have far more knowledge when it comes to formula's and equations which is hard but couldn't keep up with a majority of it. However the basic statement I did understand was the bubble to water ratio, so I incorporated it by raising the skimmer, and turning up the air, And the image above was the result

This I'm assuming is an algea of some sort I guess ill research to see what I can find

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Diatom algae... A natural progression of your cycle. They will eventually fade out if you let things be and don't add a bunch of stuff. The tank will balance itself but it takes patience.
Thanks man. Yeah I added some raw shrimp to the tank, cause I've notice I have these clear like worm things in The rock, and feather dusters, and I have this purple blue flat shelled looking snail that I assume came with the rock. I'll leave everything be for now.

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Yea, just let it run it's course. I did a write up on diatoms you can find on the homepage under the articles. Just go through the pages till you see it and it will explain a lot about what they are and why it happens. :)

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Is there a specific forum its in?

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No. It's hard to get through via tapatalk. I'll send you a link to the thread where the write up was re-posted and discussed. Give me a sec. :)

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Ok so I understand the process in which you can have a diatom bloom. But I tested my water and they all came back good. So then would the algae be feeding off the light cycle and minerals in my water. I think I'm going to start mh at 8 am and then have it shut off about 5 in The afternoon. Or should I Just wait to see if it turns green, or die off.

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What did you use for water? Silicates found in most tap water will fuel diatoms to grow which is why it is suggested to use ro/di water unless your water has been tested and found suitable fir aquarium use.

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No I didn't use tap water lol. I know better. LFS was charging 10 bucks for 5 gallons of water. So I looked online. Winco popped up. They sell ro/Di and uv sterilized water

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This is what it looks Like now. I think I'm going to try and shorten the day light cycle from 8 to 8. To 8am to 5pm
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