JFK_Jr's 150 Gallon Starphire

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I dont know what to say.....Ummmmm How the He$% do u do this in how long ..I am doing something wrong for sure l.o.l WELL CONGRATS ON A WELL MADE SETUP..GOES TO SHOW FIRST ALL THE BELLS THEEENNNN THE WHISTLES ..TOO TOO TOOO GOOD WOW
I love the natural look of ur Tank and all ur Coral is very healthy and nice. Excellent Job.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments... It's always nice to hear...:)

Well my coraline algae had started to grab hold again, so I did a little scraping and here's a new FTS.

I also added a PFO PC 2 X 96 W retro kit to my existing lighting. I went with 2 460nm actinic blue bulbs, so my tank is a lot brighter with more of a bluish tint... I like it... makes the colors really pop!
