Joe's Wet Dream, A 550 Gallon Work In Progress

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Just brought my powerhead switchboard on line, It consists of 6 american DJ power strips, each will control 8 powerheads. I've purchased 48 Maxi Jet 1200's and the modification kits to make them all mini Tunze's. Eric will cleverly conceal all 48 powerheads within the rock infrastructure, when all are running they will push somewhere between 100,000 to 150,000 gallons per hour, Here's a couple of photo's:

That's going to be awesome! Good thing you didn't go with 48 Tunzes. It probably would have been close to $1.2 million. :lol: JK
Can't wait to see the flow. Do you have any way to make a video of your tank?
Cant wait to get right on that. Should only take 10 hrs or so to get all of them placed and running.. Talk to you soon.. :)
150,000 gph is a dream of mine!!! :D That should be real nice Joe! Good thing you bought 48 maxijets though and not 48 Tunze streams! :eek: :)
6 months approaches...

In a few days my tank will have been running for 6 months, thought I might summarize where things seem to be at this time. I just tested my water and came up with these numbers:

Ca++ 420
Alk 12.2 dKh
pH 8.0
NO3- 0
PO4- 0

With a bioload of 50 fish, it amazes me that I don't have any measurable nitrates or phosphates. Typically I feed my fish 8 times or so during a day with the following menu: 4 clams, 1 ounce spirulina gut loaded brine, 1 full sheet of Nori, 1 ounce of homemade glop medley, 3 cubes of hikari mega something frozen Angel formula, Several servings of Ocean Nutrition flake food, 1/2 ounce frozen plankton. Factors that contribute to my water quality include a great skimmer (BK 300), 75 gallons of fuge (55 chaeto fuge and 20 gal cryptic rubble rock fuge), Live rock that was cured for 5 months, and something like 20,000 gallons of water movement per hour., There is an insane amount of coralline algae on the LR and on the rubble substrate, I think it uses nitrates and phosphates to some degree.

All my coral frags are doing great and exhibit new growth, and most of the 60 ricordea polyps I started with have doubled.
Your putting 48 PH's In your tank, I think I'd reconsider that.

I'd ditch the Ocean Nutrition flakes for their pellets, they make small & medium sizes that are great. hikari mega, makes a frozen that is really great for meat eaters also, they are very particular in what they put into their foods.

I can believe it. There are two words why you (and I for that matter) do not have any measureable nitrates/phosphates: BUBBLE KING

Your protein skimmer is able to handle the bioload without any problem. It was worth every penny you paid to have this result. I know the same is for my H&S that I bought for my tank. Worth every penny...

my .02
Time to Come Clean

Sorry Scooty, the 48 MJ's was a late April Fools, as the only person on RF to question such an insane notion you win the frag of your choice, next time you are in the neighborhood please stop by to make your selection:badgrin:. I was staring at the control box trying to figure out what to do with it, it was one of my impulsive not well thought out ideas, think of 48 electric cords coming out of it, so now I have it set in the corner with all the switches lit up, whenever anyone comes over to see my tank I'll say "that flow isn't quite right, is it?" Then I'll go over and randomly throw a few switches and say, "now that's much better, isn't it?" Basically I won't be using it, the six rocker switches on the wall give me the ability to turn off any of the dedicated circuits when I need to disable pumps etc for water changes and such without messing around in the basement.
I do use the ON pellets also Scooty, I like the fact that they are less messy, but with the varied size of my fish pop the flake seems to get more evenly distributed, over time I hope to transition to all pellet and use strictly automated feeders for those (I don't like flake in feeders, it will eventually plug up or clog or whatever....) I'm currently using a couple of hikari frozen's, I'm using the mega angel, everyone seems to like that. I like their spirulina loaded brine also, I figure a little brine is good roughage, kinda like Nori, not a lot of nutrition but a good addition to a varied diet, the spirulina makes me feel like I'm giving them some nutrition, kinda like feeding your kids cereal that's loaded with sugar, but also has vitamins added....

On my last big tank I upgraded the skimmer twice Kirk, hopefully learned my lesson, cheaper in the long run and healthier for your system to not go cheap on your skimmer....
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Whew, look at all the pretty lights mom! :D

I'd swear that bottom right one, turns off my kitchen lights.:confused:


Next to the tank, my H&S skimmer is the second most expensive piece of equipment I own. I am extremely please with its performance and is worth every single penny spent.


Can't tell if this comment was meant for me or Joe. If me, then yes, I will have some extra work for you (ie, the fuge project we talked about). My tax return should hopefully be direct deposited into my account next week. I will be in touch.

Hi Joe,

I love your tank. Just read most of the thread for the first time today. :oops: Anyway, I wanted to say, Congrats on a fantastic project. And....nice joke on the 48 powerheads; I was trying to imagine what technique Eric could possibly use to hide 48 electrical cords coming out of your rockwork! :lol: :D
I got it admit, he had me too. I was thinking, "why in the heck is he NOT using CL on a great system like this."
